Good eveing. It is almost midnight in Jakarat and I went to crossing the ditch website and was so pleased that Justin and James are telling us what is happening after that epic feat of kayaking across the tasman Sea. I rate it as the greatest feat of daring, courage and adventure of this century, possibly in the last 20 years. What do you think out there ?
Have a read of James' report written yesterday.
Congratulations again to you James and Justin.
Back in Oz.
Sat 19 Jan 2007 - 14:57 (GMT +11)
Wow.. back on land. It's funny, when out there land became a distant memory just as Ol Oiler from the forum advised early on in the expedition.
Thanks for the amazingly overwhelming support. The last couple of days since our arrival I think we have slept just as much as during some of those storms that we got engulfed by! Fortunately, we've had close family and friends to rub shoulders with rather than sharks, dance floor lights instead of lightening and fresh food to eat rather than mouldy nuts!
We are really excited to have 60 Minutes on board who will be screening an "exclusive" between Feb 7-14. Some of the footage they have captured is phenomenal and we cant wait to share it with you guys.
Yesterday we had a DXA Scan carried out by Jarrod at Body Composition Australia (www.bodycomposition.com.au) in which a detailed analysis has been carried out on our physiological composition pre and post expedition. A full medical report is being written. The results are truly astonishing.
As you can imagine, we are completely exhausted at the moment. The stress that we put our bodies through, will take sometime to recover. It's going to take many months or R&R to get back to our former selves. Walking up and down stairs we still need assistance.
We'll be keeping the website updated and forum going. As you can imagine, we have been inundated by emails, phone calls, letters and the list goes on. In good time, we'll try and get back to each of you as life calms down a little.
Finally, an enormous thank you to New Zealand (especially the folk of New Plymouth!) for the most amazing reception we could've ever dreamt of and all our sponsors (especially the Team at Unwired) for making this expedition happen. Please jump on our sponsor's page and send some of them an enormous thank you- they deserve it- they backed us right from the start.
Love you all.
Happy Paddling!
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