Saturday, August 28, 2010


Be afraid, be very afraid…


Just like Rush Bouncy Bouncy Limbaugh and Sara Palin, you have managed to turn your controversial hate rhetoric into riches. You are profiting from spewing hatred and division…and because you are a Moron Mormon; that cult-like, fabricated religion of yours tells you that if you are successful and have derived so much wealth from what you are saying then it must be right and it is part of God’s plan…God approves of what you do because you are so successful.

But be careful, thousands just like you have attempted and to a certain degree succeeded in being false prophets. Some had a benevolent theme while others like Hitler met their untimely deaths in shame and humiliation. I predict that will be your demise as well because what you are doing is morally and ethically wrong. You are getting rich out of misleading people, lying to them and playing to their fears and basest emotions. Don't misconstrue this as a death threat...your demise may be just professional as you are "retired" by Fox when you can no longer muster up ratings when your followers one by one will realize what a hypocrite and unethical person you are and you will sink into the hell hole of oblivion where you belong.

Mr. Beck, so far you have been lucky; you have been able to spew hatred, racism and told lies without being questioned by your gullible, uneducated followers...there is no limit to your rants as you are equally insulting to Middle Class Americans and Poor, insulting to Jews and Muslims alike, to straight and gays and may your soul be safe from the wrath of the Creator if that is what you believe in; because when your followers realize their long time dream of finishing the seventh grade or even getting a GED they will be the first ones to turn on you.

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