Tuesday, August 3, 2010



But the Republicans are not just going after the President, now they are going after the 14th Amendment to deny children born of foreigners the right to be Americans.

In the contentious battle over immigration, the Republicans are raising their ugly snake heads again and just like deadly snake spitting venomous hatred they are going after those who mow our lawns and clean our hotel rooms. It matters not that we are talking about one very dear concept; the granting of citizenship to anyone who is actually born within the confines of this great land.

But their racism is playing a role again and following the Arizona law there are many proposals and plans to continue with this hatred and discrimination…it is just a matter of how they are going to implement it, how they can lie their way and with exaggerations and misinformation in their attempt to convince the general public that Mexican babies born to illegal aliens are not human enough to be rewarded with their precious rights.

The pronouncements from all the mouthpieces continue to criticize our President. Sarah Palin came out with some yesterday and of course the usual suspects are relentless in their attacks…Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly and Fox. Basically, if you ask me, the Republicans are criticizing the President for being nice to them. Maybe he should get tough…it is more their speed, the Republicans are too used to ruthless, cynical and scorch the earth type tactics.

Ironically, the Republicans are the ones to gain by maintaining the status quo with immigration. By having super cheap labor they undermine the wages of everyone else here and big business gets to exploit cheap labor as well as making it imperative that people working have to worry about their security…the employers love it when there is a high level of unemployment and endless supply of cheap labor. But that is not what America is about, now is it? We like to have a robust middle class, with fair pay for an honest day’s work. The facts are there, the poor and the middle class has been consistently losing ground and they are on the verge of being decimated. No matter, the Republicans would sell their own mothers if there was some profit attached to that…so what if the middle class can’t afford to send their children to college or be able to have their own home? That privileged 2% is living high off the hog and enjoying tremendous tax breaks which George W. Bush gave them and cause a horrific deficit. Now they want to continue them when the tax cuts expire…NO , OVER OUR DEAD BODIES YOU SONS OF BITCHES…IF YOU DESTROY THE MIDDLE CLASS YOU DESTROY AMERICA...THAT IS UNPATRIOTIC AND VERY UNAMERICAN.

I tell you what; if they want some significant legislation that will fix the immigration problem, why don’t they come up with one, other than hateful, discriminatory state laws that are only meant to pander to that racist element that seems to be abundant in some of these conservative states. Why don’t Republicans engage in some constructive dialogue…even participate in producing legislation rather than oppose the President and the Democratic majority? They will not, first because they have so far opposed everything the Democrats have attempted to do. The Republicans don’t want one single item that will give the President and the Republicans one solitary triumph so that they look bad come the November elections.

I think that our President is honestly trying to be everyone’s President and in doing so he is giving the Republicans more than a chance they don’t even deserve. The President has reached out time and time again only to be betrayed by the intransigent Republican ideology. It is time we progressives begin to fight back. President Obama is not weak, not by any stretch of the imagination; what he is really is a very patient, pragmatic, fair and decent man. Republican Americans don’t deserve to have such a nice leader…they are more comfortable with an arrogant, incompetent, incoherent man like George W. Bush and that is something we can’t let them forget.

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