Friday, September 3, 2010



That is their answer to our debt repayment; that is how they intend to balance the budget. Absolutely, positively absent are the Bush tax cuts to expire…Republicans want to extend it. There is a television ad that they are running during the commercial break in the Keith Olberman program narrated by Fred Thompson. When you hear it, he is generalizing, speaking of extending the tax cuts. Most people hear it and think that it applies to them; not so, this only applies to the very rich who benefited from these unusual and obscene tax cuts implemented by Bush. The devastating effects they have had are now becoming well known. It is estimated that they have been costing approximately 553 billion dollars per year to our country. This is money that we don’t have so that we are forced to run a deficit, and that debt is then owned to lenders like the Chinese or Saudi Arabia, Dubai or United Arab Emirates.

That is sad, don’t you think? To pile on the debt the cost of two wars and to give those in our society who least need it a break in the taxes they pay…a fair and justified share of their tax burden.

Instead, we have seen the Republicans block legislation that would extend unemployment benefits under the guise that it costs money and it will not be funded. When you hear Republicans talk you would think that unemployment benefits are equal to welfare. As far as we all know, we work and we pay taxes; some of those taxes goes towards the funds that would then be available to us should we become unemployed. Conversely, Social Security is pretty much the same concept. We work and pay taxes and some of those taxes are then put into a fund that will pay us when we are too frail to work or decide to retire. It is not, I repeat, it is not a give-away, a form of welfare…we paid for it and that money is ours.

They accuse the Democrats of starting a class war. Republicans are perfectly satisfied if the poor and the middle class lose their jobs, their homes, their pensions and on top of that their Social Security but don’t touch those tax cuts for the super rich…they can’t bear it to return to the tax rates they were paying before Bush so generously regaled them with this extra dough. No, they can’t because they would much rather keep their second house in the Hamptons than to extend unemployment benefits or leave Social Security as it is.

Think about where some of us would be if it wasn’t for Social Security. I speak for myself because I have seen my 401K reduced by over $1,000 per month and my pension totally disappearing during the Wall Street crash of 2008. And we are supposed to be in favor of a privatized Social Security?


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