I never thought that day would come…My birthday is October 25th but I begin to be covered on October 1st. All of this time I have lived the agony that millions of Americans face each day…to be without health insurance and face a catastrophic illness.
And yet, The Republicans are saying that Medicare and Social Security are not sustainable, that they are costing too much and are a drain on the nation’s budget. Of course they don’t say that two stupid, unnecessary wars that cost our country lives and treasure are a drain 100 times larger…no, they will not admit to that nor will they admit that they lied to America to get us into those wars.
If Republicans had their way…and listening to them will give you a clue; they will SHUT DOWN the government if they win a majority in Congress…and they will push to PRIVATIZE SOCIAL SECURITY. No, thank you, leave those alone…we all saw how our pensions and 401Ks were decimated in this last economic free for all…I had both of them lost and now I depend on SOCIAL SECURITY only to survive. This, from a person who worked hard all of his life, didn’t squander a penny, saved to secure my retirement and some Wall Street asshole now has that money…because the money was there.
If they succeed in ending Medicare we are going to see a lot of seniors dropping off like flies. Ailments that could be controlled will take lives and those that could be prevented or treated will kill millions…even such simple sickness as a common cold or an ingrown toe nail. That is the prevailing ideology of Republicans…leave everything to the free enterprise system and it will take care of itself…of course, they also insist in running a welfare program for the very rich.
Yes, the Republicans begrudge a few billion dollars our country spends on safety nets like Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Benefits while they squander our young men and women's lives and our treasure in unnecessary wars and those cost trillions.
I am afraid that the CLASS WARFARE has been going on for quite some time now and the top richest segment of our country has defeated the other 98% of Americans. TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS didn’t work then and it will not work now.
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