Friday, October 8, 2010

What the GOP REALLY wants - part 1

Republicans love high unemployment, cheap labor (part one)

If there is any doubt in your mind that the Republicans are concerned about unemployment and the well being of the middle class all you have to do is look at where they stand on minimum wage and the labor unions. You see, the Republicans will only exploit unemployment figures when the Democrats are in power. When they have the wheel, they will try to make the problem worse because for them it is not really a problem but a blessing.

Why do I say that? Am I suggesting that Republicans have no compassion? I sure as hell am…it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that when corporations have a large labor pool to choose from, when there are a lot of unemployed people they benefit from it…it is all about cheap labor, no benefits and squeezing the last drop of sweat from the work force. I dare anybody argue that this is not so.

When a company places an ad for a job opening and two hundred applicants show up…well that is just paradise for the company…they can have the luxury of hiring somebody with a college degree to do some menial shit; not pay this person minimum wage if they can get away with it and of course there are no benefits offered by this company like health insurance, paid leave, vacation and the like.

And you say this is not common? Think again…just take a look at Wal-Mart. Arguably one of the biggest in America and the employees are treated like shit, earn starving wages and have little or no benefits. Take a look at Sears-Roebuck – In the past, Sears was one of the best employers in this country. Soon they got on the bandwagon to hire more part timers so they wouldn’t have to pay benefits. Today Sears has a very small percentage of its work force as full time employees and they have also become a second class, declining corporation.

When the Republicans talk about Immigration and Immigration Reform they will do so with trepidation…they only thing that comes across is their willingness to exploit the racist and xenophobic sentiments and not really fix the problem…and why should they? Illegal immigration is good for business…they come into this country, fearful and clandestine and will work “under the table” for much lower wages than others who are here legally….this of course is good for the employer. So don’t hold your breath that Immigration Reform is coming to a theater near you soon. What you will see on the other hand is a lot of hateful racist rhetoric trying to make escape goats out of immigrants…like the ‘SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS” Arizona law.

I found this in the internet and it is worth it. Check it out:


“Have you got three minutes? Because that’s all you need to learn how to defeat the Republican Right. Just read through this handy guide and you’ll have everything you need to successfully debunk right-wing propaganda.

It’s really that simple. First, you have to beat their ideology, which really isn’t that difficult. At bottom, conservatives believe in a social hierarchy of “haves” and “have nots” that I call “corporate feudalism”. They have taken this corrosive social vision and dressed it up with a “respectable” sounding ideology. That ideology is pure hogwash, and you can prove it.

But you have to do more than defeat the ideology. You have to defeat the “drum beat”. You have to defeat the “propaganda machine”, that brainwashes people with their slogans and catch-phrases. You’ve heard those slogans.”Less government”, “personal responsibility” and lots of flag waving. They are “shorthand” for an entire worldview, and the right has been pounding their slogans out into the public domain for getting on forty years.

So you need a really good slogan – a “counter-slogan” really, to “deprogram” the brainwashed. You need a “magic bullet” that quickly and efficiently destroys the effectiveness of their “drum beat”. You need your own “drum beat” that sums up the right’s position. Only your “drum beat” exposes the ugly reality of right-wing philosophy – the reality their slogans are meant to hide. Our slogan contains the governing concept that explains the entire right-wing agenda. That’s why it works. You can see it in every policy, and virtually all of Republican rhetoric. And it’s so easy to remember, and captures the essence of the Republican Right so well, we can pin it on them like a “scarlet letter”.

Is there really a catch phrase – a “magic bullet” – that sums up the Republican Right in such a nice easy-to-grasp package. You better believe it, and it’s downright elegant in its simplicity.

You want to know what that “magic bullet” is, don’t you. Read on. You’ve still got two minutes.

Right-Wing Ideology in a Nutshell

When you cut right through it, right-wing ideology is just “dime-store economics” – intended to dress their ideology up and make it look respectable. You don’t really need to know much about economics to understand it. They certainly don’t. It all gets down to two simple words.

“Cheap labor”. That’s their whole philosophy in a nutshell – which gives you a short and pithy “catch phrase” that describes them perfectly. You’ve heard of “big-government liberals”. Well they’re “cheap-labor conservatives”.

“Cheap-labor conservative” is a moniker they will never shake, and never live down. Because it’s exactly what they are. You see, cheap-labor conservatives are defenders of corporate America – whose fortunes depend on labor. The larger the labor supply, the cheaper it is. The more desperately you need a job, the cheaper you’ll work, and the more power those “corporate lords” have over you. If you are wealthy elite – or a “wannabe” like most ditto-heads – your wealth, power and privilege is enhanced by a labor pool, forced to work cheap.

Don’t believe me. Well, let’s apply this principle, and see how many right-wing positions become instantly understandable.

· Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like social spending or our “safety net”. Why. Because when you’re unemployed and desperate, corporations can pay you whatever they feel like – which is inevitably next to nothing. You see, they want you “over a barrel” and in a position to “work cheap or starve”.

· Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like the minimum wage, or other improvements in wages and working conditions. Why. These reforms undo all of their efforts to keep you “over a barrel”.

· Cheap-labor conservatives like “free trade”, NAFTA, GATT, etc. Why. Because there is a huge supply of desperately poor people in the third world, which are “over a barrel”, and will work cheap.

· Cheap-labor conservatives oppose a woman’s right to choose. Why. Unwanted children are an economic burden that put poor women “over a barrel”, forcing them to work cheap.

· Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like unions. Why. Because when labor “sticks together”, wages go up. That’s why workers unionize. Seems workers don’t like being “over a barrel”.

· Cheap-labor conservatives constantly bray about “morality”, “virtue”, “respect for authority”, “hard work” and other “values”. Why. So they can blame your being “over a barrel” on your own “immorality”, lack of “values” and “poor choices”.

· Cheap-labor conservatives encourage racism, misogyny, homophobia and other forms of bigotry. Why? Bigotry among wage earners distracts them, and keeps them from recognizing their common interests as wage earners.”

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