Thursday, December 30, 2010

President Obama wants to give America back to the Indians and Teahadist-Republicans mistakenly think that the voters wanted to buy into their ideology

The voters didn’t give them a mandate to turn this country into a right-wing tyranny or a theocracy…they just wanted jobs

A morally bankrupt politician wants to turn us even further to the right…meet a morally Neutered Newt Gingrich

And amazingly, with the behavior and tactics that can only be classified as sabotage and treason, they have blocked any and all efforts to turn the economy around…because Republicans figured that if the American people are miserable and enduring hard economic times they will turn around and vote Republican…

They are forgetting something here…a lot of the voters are easily misled and gullible that is a fact…but then there is a significant part of our population that is well informed and on to the antics of the Republican politicians…they will never vote Republican.

And if you add in another factor: that the Republicans have repudiated all minorities, then you may have a very solid opposition that will take them to the cleaners come next election; particularly if they continue to obstruct and delay legislation in the next two years as they have done in the last two.

Greg Dworkin says:

“In fact, Obama’s approval was at 49 yesterday in Gallup’s tracker, with Congress at 13. No wonder conservatives are upset that they’re not feeling the momentum. The public never wanted what they’re selling, they just wanted jobs. And those approval numbers and this fact are worth remembering as we move to next year’s battles: Barack Obama, and not Mitch McConnell or John Boehner, is the most popular politician in D.C. “

Lastly, the Republicans are acting as if they had no part on creating the mess we are in. There too the American public is not going to let them off the hook. At least folks like myself will remind them every day of their miserable lives that they got us into this mess and are not doing anything to correct it…just the opposite, and then on top of that they want to benefit the richest of the very rich by extending tax cuts…honestly, these assholes have a lot of gall.

Shocker: Obama to give America back to Indians

A secret U.N. plot revealed: First, they'll take Manhattan

Guys and gals, this is along the same lines as “death panels” and “show us your birth certificate”. One more attempt to discredit the President and spread the untruths and rumors.


Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Joseph Medicine Crow shows a drum to President Barack Obama during a reception for recipients and their families in the Blue Room of the White House on Aug. 12, 2009.

Congratulations, 2010, for fitting in one more completely insane made-up right-wing scandal: Barack Obama is going to give Manhattan back to the Indians! Also the U.N. will help, because grrrr, the U.N.!

Earlier this month, Obama said the U.S. would support the U.N.'s "Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People," a non-legally binding promise to finally treat indigenous peoples with some small amount of decency after hundreds of years of the government murdering them and expelling them from their homes and forcibly relocating them to barren desert ghettos and now just letting them live in conditions of appalling, abject poverty. Bush refused to sign on to this, because, I dunno, it was from the U.N., and it might lead to frivolous lawsuits, or something? It's a non-binding Declaration that basically says "we will be nice to indigenous people," there's no good reason not to support it.

But because hysterical right-wingers are hysterical right-wingers, they are seizing on this document as yet more proof that Obama wants to forcibly redistribute all the wealth, from productive hard-working Real Americans to swarthy welfare leeches. Take it away, World Net Daily!

President Obama is voicing support for a U.N. resolution that could accomplish something as radical as relinquishing some U.S. sovereignty and opening a path for the return of ancient tribal lands to American Indians, including even parts of Manhattan.

The issue is causing alarm among legal experts.

Oh, I bet it is. WND-founder Joseph Farah has a little column where he repeats this insane story, but then he quotes some egg-head professor who says that all the tribes want is some "open lands/spaces for repurchase," which doesn't really sound like "giving back" Manhattan to the Native Americans.

I say if you're gonna do it, do it right and actually give New York back to the Delaware Indians! I'd rather be ruled by them than by Bloomberg and Albany.

(Also why don't Scalia-style Constitutional originalists ever insist that America honor its various broken treaties with all the Indians whose lands we stole as we systematically removed and massacred them? I know that would entail giving them back the entirety of Oklahoma, among lots of other amusing things, but the supremacy of treaties is in the damn Constitution! Although I guess Article Six, with its federal supremacy clause and its no religious test talk, has always been the article that right-wingers are not particularly enthusiastic about.)

In all honesty, I think that the Native Americans, particularly the tribe’s elders and leaders have enough common sense and compassion to be able to run the country much better than the Democrats or Republicans…certainly a hell of a lot better than Republicans.

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