Wednesday, January 5, 2011

EDL protest’s leader arrested on 'suspicion of intentionally causing religiously aggravated harassment alarm or distress' or blasphemy ~ while Muslim who openly threatens him ~ within law - Video

Suspicion of intentionally causing religiously aggravated harassment alarm or distress or rather blasphemy.

But does blasphemy attend to what is said that is not true or what is true but deemed offensive?

What is true was that Muhammad was a Genghis Khan type of guy. He killed to convert he encouraged rape ~ and scolded his men for not raping non-Muslim women in front of their husbands. We could respect that Muslims view all of Muhammad's actions, even his deviant actions as perfect ~ but we should also respect that others see it as deviant and cruel and not at all perfect or Godly.

Genghis Khan also united his people around the local religious beliefs ~ via warfare. But he showed much more respect for children ~ when the Mongol children were about 9 they were allowed to select a partner from other children of about the same age ~ and 5 years later, at 15 or so ~ would they be allowed to come together and consummated the marriage.

There is no historical record of Khan choosing from this group for himself. Of course, as Muhammad did. The Hadiths also tell us of his other inappropriate affections for small children ~ as well as he had relations with the deceased.

I think we can treat a person with respect ~ be they Muslim or otherwise ~ without holding this stuff as in anyway to be the truth [as in guidance] or acceptable.

Arresting those who dare to speak out is like banning a book ~ and suddenly the book becomes more famous. To protect Muslims we take on some of the Islamic world's repression of individual rights and freedoms. The accused, made a speech at a rally of people who wanted to hear him. In the Islamic world his arrest would be normal ~ and likewise in the Islamic world if someone was outspoken in the same way about Christianity or Hinduism ~ they would not be arrested. And this is where rights are being eroded. But we have seen this before ~ before WWII it was seen as offensive to criticize Hitler.

ONE of the leaders of the English Defence League (EDL) has been arrested after police received complaints about his speech during their protest in Peterborough on 11th December.

Guramit Singh (28), from Nottingham, was arrested yesterday (22nd December) on suspicion of intentionally causing religiously aggravated harassment, alarm or distress.

Cambridgeshire Police received two complaints after Mr Singh, an unofficial leader and spokesman for the EDL, gave a speech during the EDL’s two-hour protest in the city on Saturday, December 11.

Mr Singh was addressing around 1,000 EDL supporters and hundreds of onlooking members of the public during his speech, which was delivered outside Peterborough Magistrates’ Court and has since been uploaded onto YouTube.

A spokeswoman for Cambridgeshire Police said: “A 28-year-old man from Nottingham was arrested on suspicion of intentionally causing religiously aggravated harassment alarm or distress, under section four of the public order act 1986.

“He was questioned in Nottingham and has now been bailed.

“Police are investigating whether any further criminal offences were committed during protests in Peterborough.

“The arrested man will return to a police station in Cambridgeshire in February.”

The EDL held its protest claiming to be against Islamic extremism and its perceived rise in England.

The protesters went from outside the Peterborough United Football Ground, in London Road, to Peterborough Magistrates’ Court in Lower Bridge Street, where they gathered for a static protest and were addressed by Mr Singh.

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, the other unofficial leader of the EDL, confirmed that Mr Singh had been arrested.

Mr Yaxley-Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson, said: “Guramit was arrested in the morning.

“The EDL are fully behind him and we don’t think there was anything wrong with his speech.

“It doesn’t surprise me that he has been arrested but it does disappoint me.”

The EDL’s decision to come to Peterborough to march and protest sparked the biggest policing operation in the history of the city.

Around 1,000 officers from 18 forces across the country were drafted in to police the EDL march as well as the counter demonstration which was organised by Peterborough Trades Union Council.

The operation cost Cambridgeshire Police an estimated £750,000 to pay overtime and draft extra officers in for the day. It resulted in 10 arrests on the day.

Evening Telegraph

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