Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday miscellany

Egypt: home to the earliest evidence
that cats were once human too
Egypt.  tytoc collie and his friends note the current political turmoil in the top right-hand corner of Africa. It's quite likely that our friends in Egypt aren't able to read this right now, given the recent suspension of communications, including our beloved internet. However, they should know that our thoughts are with not just the intellectual property community there but also the public at large. According to a recent news release from Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP), "... all Government Departments, including Trade Mark and Patent Offices are closed until further notice". We hope that normal communication channels will soon be restored and, whatever the immediate or long-term outcome of the present state uncertainty, there will be peace and no further loss of life.

Instant branding and Los 33.  The February 2011 issue of the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, published by Oxford University Press and edited by IPKat team member Jeremy, has now come out (contents here).  The Editorial, which is available online to everyone via the jiplp weblog, whether they subscribe to the journal or not, raises the issue of "instant brands" and the sudden rise last year in the brand potential of the 33 Chilean miners who were rescued after an unprecedented set of events that captured the world's imagination.  You can read it here.

" ... and I tell you the patent's
invalid!", he shouted
Damages for infringing an invalid patent.  The debate over the commercial, moral and practical issues arising from an award of damages for infringing a subsequently-invalidated patent -- which tytoc collie inadvertently set off last week here -- has been relocated to the PatLit weblog, where cudgels have been taken up by a couple of anonymous heavyweights here and here.  It is hoped that the United Kingdom's Supreme Court will hear arguments on this topic later this year -- and tytoc collie does not rule out a reference to the European Court of Justice on the extent to which such damages can live with the principles and the provisions of Directive 2004/48 on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights.

The Temperance Bar at Glasgow's
Grand Central Hotel, famed for its
Robert Burns Elderflower and
Raspberry Cocktail
“Wee Tweet’rous Beasties”. In a moment of madness, IPKat team member Jeremy agreed to speak at the LES Britain + Ireland Burns Supper on 9 February somewhere north of Hadrian's Wall.  He has been placed, quite literally it seems, between the Scotch Broth and the Haggis, which has its own address (not, which is a parked domain). Remarkably, there is no sign of alcohol anywhere in the menu programme, which closes at 9.35pm with "networking" (they must be expecting a busload of Americans).  Other attractions on the night include a 20-minute talk from the internationally renowned TBC, not to mention an Interactive Tweetfest with decadent prizes. You can check out the details of the evening here.

Thank you, Chris Torrero, for unearthing a fascinating resource which, tytoc collie suspects, has the capacity to keep many a music enthusiast well and truly distracted from his day-to-day work.   The Discography announces:
"Our central Database includes 1,300 entries covering 2,400 court opinions (including over 30,000 pieces of data) spanning almost 200 years, fully summarized and searchable by numerous variables, featuring nearly every artist you'll think of (many you won't), covering copyrights and contracts, trusts, torts and more. There's also a Blog and up-to-date legal music News to boot. The Discography: Legal Encyclopedia of Popular Music has arrived".
It looks as though its sole focus is the United States -- so let's hope that some good soul with a good deal of time on his or her hands, and who truly doesn't mind being distracted from day-to-day work, will put together a pan-European version.  If anyone volunteers to do this, tytoc collie will be happy to publicise their efforts and spread the word once the database is up-and-running.

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