Monday, January 3, 2011

We shouldn’t worry about the little people, let them eat cake

The unemployed, the poor, the scum of the earth that constitutes these “give me handouts” in return for nothing is really insignificant…only a casualty in the class wars the Teahadist Republicans are waging.

Why bother with charts and statistics, right? They will tell you that the American people are in dire straits and that their condition and situation is a direct result of their laziness and lack of ambition. If they are unemployed it is because they are goof balls who don’t perform at their jobs or those whose skills are no longer needed…tough shit, say the Republicans…let them eat cake.

Statistics and facts don’t lie…they tell a very compelling story of the misery and hardship of the American people…brought about by the Republicans…their insistence on eliminating regulations for the past few decades, their proclivity to benefit the already obscenely rich and their unpatriotic right-wing partisanship. I will not say any more…if you still don’t see it after looking carefully at these charts and graphs then screw you too because you are part of the problem.

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