Monday, February 28, 2011
New confirmations for iPhone 5 with physical keyboard
In the last few hours is an image appeared on the network of the alleged Dock connector to the next iPhone 5. There are of course confirmed that this is the original, but that image was accompanied by new rumors about a physical keyboard on the next phone model manufactured by Cupertino.
Apple would build a new iPhone model with a sliding cover that has a frame similar to the iPhone 4, except that the device is slightly thicker than the iPhone of this generation.
The report does not state directly that the "sliding cover" would for a physical keyboard, the same site was reported more noise this month that Apple would be working on three different prototypes iPhone 5, one of which has actually a physical keyboard.

Vodafone Germany from Microsoft and NokiaVodafone Germany from Microsoft and Nokia
Nokia and Microsoft have recently made a commitment that will lead to the slow death of Symbian while by the end of the year should appear on the market the first European handsets produced by the company posts the Redmond software. Vodafone Germany appears to be on the side of both to this Agreement, or so it seems, listening to the words of CEO Jan Geldmacher during an interview of CeBIT held in Hanover.
We are attentive to the situation that will hire new products on the cooperation of Microsoft and Nokia.
Nevertheless, Geldmacher sees the race for the smartphone market in a different way from Stephen Elop, CEO of Nokia. The latter believes that the battle between Apple, Google and Microsoft, while Geldmacher believes that Android and iOS are driving horses, and behind them, Microsoft, Nokia and RIM are forced to chase.
Nation of Islam event to include talk of UFOs
- Wikipedia provides more details of Farrakhan's vision. It states, “That Mother Wheel is a dreadful-looking thing. White folks are making movies now to make these planes look like fiction, but it is based on something real. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that Mother Plane is so powerful that with sound reverberating in the atmosphere, just with a sound, she can crumble buildings.”
- According to L.A. Marzulli, a Christian UFO expert, people who have up close UFO abduction experiences, are plagued by the same demons more than once. (The Watchers)
- Louis Farrakan is a Freemason [1] and has been the guest speaker to the Shriner's, another secret society.
- In 2008, Farrakhan publicly supported Barack Obama in his presidential campaign.[2]
- Farrakhan has compared whites with devils, just as Elijah Muhammad has. [3]
- He believes in Black Liberation Theology and black separatism.
500,000 Gmail accounts have been "reset" by accident (updated: are 150,000 accounts)
Imagine one day and try to get a Gmail account you come across a completely empty with no email, chat, attachment, etc. It is certainly a scary situation, especially for those who are set to run in circles with just a few hours to drop the Gmail service.
However, that same "scary situation" I just happened to over half a million users of Gmail, who first had trouble logging into your account, and when they finally were able to enter, they have realized that all emails and files that are no longer kept. Worse, these accounts show message "welcome", as if they were created recently, which shows that they have been reset by accident.
To put it in context, the problem of resetting Hotmail accounts that he suffered a few weeks ago hit 17,000 users. As Gmail now affects 500,000 people, nearly 30 times more.
But even though there are more people affected, Google still he can "face" to handle the situation better than Microsoft. Remember that users with Hotmail accounts "erased" had to wait 3-4 days on average for Redmond solve the problem, or up to 7 days in some cases. If Google takes less to restore the accounts, would be proving to have a better reaction than that of Microsoft at the time.
The Google have said they are working to restore as soon as the missing information (email, chat, attachments). As soon as they update news about the post. Still, if you're one of those affected is recommended that you look at the Google help forum, or Gmail Status Dashboard.
Update: Google says that the accounts of some users are back to normal, and that will solve the problem of all accounts in a "near future" (whatever they mean by that.)
Update 2: Google has corrected the number of accounts affected, now say they are "only" 150,000. With this the number of users affected would be 9 times more than in the case of Hotmail, not 30.
Esteemed Journalists: Old and New the TUC's
As The TUC's third LFW come's to an end, it may be his last for a while. He's started running, making it harder to keep him safe and get my work done. When he was smaller, all bundled and strapped into his buggy it was much easier...
iSlash, another addictive triumphing in the App Store game
The simple but addictive games on mobile platforms succeed, we have seen cases of Angry Birds or Cut The Rope and now iSlash is eager to follow suit.
iSlash is a very simple game that might fit into the category of puzzles, although it is not exactly a puzzle. The mechanics of the game is very simple: we are presented with a geometrical shape of wood which are wandering about Ninja stars, our task is to go cut the wood, leaving all the stars in a smaller space that should become a little much for Total spend percent level.
As we go through the levels the game becomes complicated with metal corners for which can not be cut or stars with special properties.
At the moment iSlash has over one hundred levels and the application is updated with free upgrades, probably one of the pillars of success Angry Birds. Its developers, Duello Games, say they have gone from half a million downloads and pace that will not take long to pass the million.
This is just another addictive game to kill those little moments without any complications or large frames.
British Airways Worker Plotted To Blow Up Plane - Colleagues Left Shocked - Video
The privately-educated Bangladeshi national, who moved with his wife and son to Newcastle in 2006, led a double life, jurors heard
He was "committed to an extreme jihadist and religious cause" and was "determined to seek martyrdom" but hid his hatred for Western ways from colleagues.
Rajib Karim, 31, used his position at the airline to plot an attack with Anwar al Awlaki, a notorious radical preacher associated with al Qaeda.
The privately-educated Bangladeshi national, who moved with his wife and son to Newcastle in 2006, led a double life, jurors heard
He was "committed to an extreme jihadist and religious cause" and was "determined to seek martyrdom" but hid his hatred for Western ways from colleagues.
His techniques for siphoning information from BA were described as like a "John le Carre-style" plot.
He used his access to the airline's offices in Newcastle and at Heathrow to encrypt confidential information in spreadsheets and also held a secret meeting with fellow Islamic extremists at Heathrow.
But Karim, described as "mild-mannered, well-educated and respectful" by his colleagues, never aired his extreme views.
When he was arrested while sitting at his desk in BA's IT department in Newcastle in February last year, his colleagues were left shocked.
While in Bangladesh, Karim was lured into becoming an avid supporter of the extremist organisation Jammat-ul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) by his younger brother.
But their plan to live in an Islamic state was put on hold when Karim moved to England in December 2006, fearing his son was dying of cancer.
In 2009, he began communicating with al Awlaki from his home and communicated in code with JMB supporters in Bangladesh.
As he became more extreme in his beliefs, he conspired to blow up a US-bound plane with al Awlaki, who is believed to be hiding in the mountains of Yemen.
Police arrested Karim after recovering a small white laptop from his home and a hard-drive they later found were used to plan the conspiracy.
They declined to discuss what led them to Karim but it is understood he was under surveillance for several weeks.
Karim convicted at Woolwich Crown Court, south east London, of four counts of engaging in preparation for terrorist attacks.
He will be sentenced on March 18.
Sky News
Gaddafi's son seen rallying supporters - Video
The mobile phone footage seems to show the son of the Libyan leader is seen standing on top of a vehicle on Sunday in front of a chanting crowd.
The 39-year-old Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the eldest of Gaddafi's children with his second wife, was educted in London where he has a house.
The situation in Libya remained chaotic today, with opponents of the regime – including many army units which have defected to the rebel side – holding almost all of the east of the country and most of its lucrative oil infrastructure.
Col Gaddafi himself retains control over capital Tripoli and nearby cities, backed by better armed security forces and militiamen.
Wilders: 'Opposition to Islam is Europe's little Revolution'
I think though ~ some on the far-Left are not ready to give up their positions in the defence of Islamization-of-western-society trenches ~ its still, those who do not want Shari'a ~ are the racists!! And so need to be stopped ~ by whatever Shari'a law means necessary!
Intolerance breeds authoritarianism
It is worrying what is happening in the Islamic world ~ its a rejection of freedom all round ~ from the people straight up to their leaders. The question is how long can mass immigration continue from these parts, with people who don't respect freedoms. And especially where, we are already being told, that they think they should be in charge. It is arrogant to assume we can manage it ~ we are talking about integrating people who think the repressive behavior of Egypt and Pakistan are not only normal but correct ~ that God wills it. When we can look at the evidence ~ that the more people holding the Islamic ideology ~ the more repressive society gets ~ unless there is a force acting against it. Almost all Islamic countries are run as either dictatorships or other authoritarian rule ~ this has to say something about the Islamic mindset. As we saw when the Left in Europe tried to protect Islam ~ they became authoritarian. You can see where this thing is going.
Mass immigration ~ from regions of intolerance
Think 50 years down the road ~ with the same system of immigration marriage that we have today ~ and the Muslims world has not moved on. Gaddafi was brought to power in a revolution ~ and 40 years on, not much has changed ~ and they are still oppressed! Zionism, America, no oil, not enough oil ~ their victim mentality could mean there is another set of revolutions in 30-40 years time. Iran is another case in point.
Shari'a apartheid for non-Muslims
Muslim nations are bent on Shari'a ~ that is a declaration of the rejection of freedoms and rights. This also means a continuation of the apartheid system which non-Muslims are kept in ~ in these countries. But remember Salman Rushdie, most thought that was an isolated case of Muslim outrage [over Allah's 3 daughters] ~ no doubt Muslims will expect non-Muslims in Europe, to respect Islam, to such an extent that we loose our rights in relation to it ~ i.e above the law / above rights ~ that we should take on the dhimmi role ~ and acknowledge the supremacy of all things Islam ~ just as non-Muslims are forced to do in their countries today. [In English Saudi after school clubs ~ children are taught that non-Muslims should be made to walk around the Muslim ~ it may be deemed radical, but it is what Muhammad taught.]
Future generations
This is a case where we need to think about what is being set up for future generations. After the Inquisition ~ how could we best explain our decision ~ to roll out another extremely oppressive religious system, one where those of future generations will have to join Islam ~ to be treated as an equal under the law. If Islam could be flushed out of the North African's mind, then it would not matter ~ but the fact is it is there ~ with a people who have been given almost nothing else besides Islam ~ and a people who see as rational Islam controlling Europe and the west. Its a religious ideology ~ so it cannot be reasoned with easily.
We can throw them a life-raft, but at the same time we cannot let them pull us under.
THE HAGUE, 01/03/11 - Within Europe, the Party for Freedom (PVV) sound can be heard increasingly frequently, and this will only become more so, according to party leader Geert Wilders. In a interview with website, he signals an "anti-Islam wave" that can no longer be stopped. "We have our own little revolution here."
Some critics of cabinet policy say that many envisaged measures the cabinet wants to take infringe EU legislation. But according to the PVV leader, this is nonsense. Additionally, many people in other European countries also want tougher measures against crime, immigration and Islamisation.
A party similar to the PVV has recently been set up in Germany: The Freedom Party of Rene Stadtkewitz. In the UK as well, Wilders sees opportunities for a party to be set up like the PVV to fill the gap between the British National Party, which is according to Wilders racist, and the conservatives.
"The times in which the CDA (Christian democrats) and the CDU (German Christian democrats) could ignore problems are definitely over," declares Wilders. ""It is no flash-in-the-pan comet or the like. The genie is out of the bottle and it will never go back in. Never more."
Wilders wants the Netherlands to "keep the gates closed" to refugees from Libya and other Arab countries in crisis. According to the PVV leader, Western Europe cannot cope with a big flood of refugees. They must be taken in in Africa. "Even if it had been non-Islamic countries, we would not have been able to cope with these masses," he added.
gNotifier, notifications for Gmail between Sparrow and Google Notifier
gNotifier is an application that focuses on giving us a quick and easy access to our email accounts, also facilitating the delivery of notifications and customize with a high level of detail this aspect.
As you can see in the video that accompanies this post, the application is halfway through a desktop client Sparrow and powerful as a simple application like Google Notifier notifications. Besides being multiaccounting, supports Google Docs and Google Calendar thing that really raises the claims of the application well above the rest. His management inbox reminds me Mailplane.
The price of the license is $ 5 and has been developed by Agile Route, company that owns Roberto Ignacio Verano. Deserves you to take a look.
More Monday Miscellany
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Sam Cameron explains the basics of brand extension to the Prime Minister |
This coming Wednesday, 2 March, at the coffee-friendly hour of 11am, tytoc collie's excellent and scholarly friend Tanya Aplin (Kings College London) is speaking at Brunel University. Her oration will be on the topic of “the continuing dilemma of database protection”. Attendance at this event is free and more information concerning it can be found here.

WIPO (the World Intellectual Property Organization) has now made available some pages to stir the spirits of those who intend to celebrate World IP Day on 26 April 2011 -- and indeed all week, if need be. The IP Outreach portal is here; this year's theme ("Designing the future") is featured here and a roll-call of posters and fun-and-games from previous years is here.
From Stephan Weber (Legal Counsel, EMEA - IHS Global Limited) comes this plaintive missive: "I have today received another (rather official-looking) scam letter alerting me that one of our trade marks is about to expire and offering assistance. This letter is from the European Trademark Organisation S.A.. I would be happy to forward you a copy of the letter if that is helpful. Do you know of any database where such scams are recorded or would you maybe be interested in setting up such a database?" The MARQUES Class 46 weblog is now doing just this, asking people for details of databases at national level that complement WIPO's own database here. If you have details of such databases, please let Class 46 know (several useful links have already been received and will be published shortly). All information collated will be shared!
tytoc collie himself received a grand little letter from the Domain Renewal Group this morning, kindly reminding him that his domain names are coming up for renewal and kindly offering to do the job for him, for a consideration. A brief visit to his friendly search engine reveals that a lot of people have mistakenly assumed that Domain Renewal Group had some official sanction or role, and were somewhat unpleased to find themselves parting with money which, all things considered, they'd rather spend on other things.
In the lovely city of Turin (or Torino, if you love the beautiful name by which Italians call it) there's a fascinating conference coming up on 11 March under the title "Copyright or the right to copy?" (details are available in full on Art & Artifice, here). One of the speakers is HHH (Hogarth head honcho) Alastair Wilson QC, who will be tackling "Reproduction of Works of Art in the UK". Says Alastair:
"The essentials of copyright protection have not changed hugely over the past two hundred years – but the nature of art has.
Copyright law still has the fundamental requirements that for a work to be a copyright work it must be “original”, and to be infringed a “substantial part” of it must have been copied.
Real problems now arise in the case of conceptual art and artworks closely based on pre-existing works: questions arise as to whether some such things are copyright works at all, and even if they are, what constitutes an infringement".If you want to know more, you'd better check your flight times -- unless of course you live in Torino.
Finally, from the Kat's friend, trade mark and branding expert Bob Boad, comes a couple of links (here and here) to a recent news item concerning Alibaba, China's largest e-commerce group which, he observes "is popular with Western traders as a source of cheap Chinese manufactures but it is also notorious as a conduit for counterfeits and other scams". What's interesting here is that there are actually people at the top who are being identified and expected to bear responsibility -- though not, it seems, liability, for the fraudulent activities of the company they run. A small step in the right direction is not much to cheer at, except when you consider that it's a lot better than a large step in the wrong direction.
A new postal code online use of Apple appears: Mall Parquesur in Madrid
Many of you what you have sent to us using our contact form: Apple job page has appeared a new location in which the company seeks staff: postcode 28916 Madrid, where the Parquesur shopping center in the area of Leganés. Therefore arouse suspicions of a new Apple Store in the Centre.
This hypothetical Apple Store would be the third of the Spanish capital after the inauguration of the Mall Xanadu and data about the from the Puerta del Sol. With a more global view, it would be the sixth Apple Store rumored in our country both from Barcelona, Valencia and Madrid's. There is no information about the specific location where you would find the shop.
On a date of opening, we can make a rule three: since the left the postcode of the first two stores until they opened went 7-8 months. We can therefore expect a new Apple Store in the Mall Parquesur in Madrid for September-October of this year? Many thanks to all who have advised us!
Guide: how to use the iPhone (jailbroken) only on 3 G network
Thanks to the work done by our user Diego Let's show you how step-by-step to help you capture the bandwidth of your iPhone UMTS mode only, very useful for example to avoid entering into roaming with TIM if you use THREE tabs, or simply to ensure a constant connection without ever switch from 3 G to 2 G.
* An iPhone jailbroken with Cydia installed;
* iFile installed from Cydia.
1. first install iFile via Cydia, launch the program and follow the following path:
2. Find the file csidata that contains all of the wireless parameters:
3. open the text viewer mode and let the rows that contain:
GsmRegistrationModel: fRatSelection = 0 × 1
GsmRegistrationModel: fRatPreferred = 0 x
4. in the first line we can vary the type of bandwidth and the second we specify the preferred. Let's see how we can set the values of the first line:
0 × 0-band 2G network only
0 × 1 2G/3G Auto-selection priority for the preferred row 2
0 × 2 single-band 3G network
5. If you cannot find the lines with these parameters you can add them by editing the file by using the Edit button in the upper left and writing exactly like figure above remembering to insert the parameter 0 × 2 to get only the band UMTS (3G).
6. now click on Save and restart the iPhone.


Why do gays vote for the Republican Party? Come to think of it, why do poor people, unemployed people, old people, single parents, minimum-wage workers, and anybody else who's not a fucking millionaire, vote for the GOP? The party of Sally Kern, Sarah Palin, and John "Filibuster" McCain, to name but a few.The Texas GOP, like that of many other states, actually wants to recriminalize sodomy, among other choice proposals.
Did any Jews vote for Hitler? Did any blacks vote for George Wallace? Given that the river of human stupidity is an ever-flowing stream, I sure wonder.
Sigh. Kinda makes you feel like just giving up on the human race sometimes, ya know what I mean?
Your Head Trucker now believes it will be twenty years before we see equality all across the nation: DADT was repealed, but we have a long way to go yet... DOMA. ENDA enacted, and UAFA, and marriage equality in every state.
Twenty years: remember you heard it from Russ right here. Mark your calendars, and drop me a postcard when 2030 rolls around. If the gay Republican kapos will let you have a postage stamp.
Tell me I'm wrong. Please.
Music Downloader, download music from the web directly from your iPhone.
Music Downloader is a new application for iPhone and iPod Touch that allows you to search, play and download music directly from the web.
The app uses the search engine Baidu, a leading Chinese language search engine to look for songs in the world. The app however does not permit transfer files downloaded via iTunes Sharing Files nor play with the native iPod application (you can only do so with Music Downloader).
The staff of the iPhone Italy is against piracy, so we invite you to purchase your favorite songs from the iTunes Store or any other media or real store that distributes music legally. If you want to try Music Downloader, you can buy it from the App Store to € 0.79 following this link.
CeBIT is hoping for Cloud Computing - More Exhibitors
Since the record shows ten years ago, the CeBIT in Hanover, has lost its appeal considerably. With a new concept, the organizers want leave the crisis behind them. The driving force: the trend towards cloud computing, the "IT cloud" on the web.
CeBIT will be the theme of Cloud Computing again perceived as the most important IT fair in the world. From Tuesday to back more than 300 000 visitors come to the Exhibition Grounds in Hanover. On Monday there will be the first press events, including the software giant Microsoft and the IT industry association BITKOM, and officially opened by Chancellor Angela Merkel.
CeBIT has grown through years behind them. Especially in the economic crisis fell exhibitor and visitor numbers. This year again with more exhibitors come to Hanover. A week before the start there were over 4200 companies - a good 50 more than 2010. The number of exhibitors in 2009 was broken by a quarter to 4300th
A central role to play in this year's so-called cloud computing, is available in the software and data from the "IT cloud" on the web. As a consumer, you come into contact so that, for example, if you use a webmail mailbox. The principle has been around for years, companies such as Google or the business software specialist consistently rely on it. Since some very unfavorable time also wants the big CeBIT exhibitors Microsoft with all their strength in the "cloud". The Germany boss of the Windows giant, Ralph Haupter wants to introduce at the show press conference on Monday, according to company sources 12 Cloud-theses.
The CeBIT this year is to be structured more clearly the division into four areas. The divisions are called for "Pro" (business customers), "Gov" (government), "lab" (research) and "Life" (Home users).
The show organizers are confident that from 1 to 5 March professionals not only from research and industry, but come back soon as more consumers show. 2010, the number of visitors was dramatically decreased from almost 400 000 to 334 000th The fair was compared to 2009, however, shortened by one day. Once again, she goes through five days until Saturday.
A few years ago, large exhibitors were still used for the CeBIT 'profile as a business exhibition "stronger and thin out the crowds. Now the show is back on the other hand attract more consumers. The President of the co-organizer BITKOM, August-Wilhelm Scheer argued, now wanted the CeBIT exhibitors also address themselves more directly to consumers. "It would be bad if you would hold on stubbornly to traditional one and not mitkriegte that the environment has changed."
The success of CeBIT must be measured not by the number of exhibitors and visitors, but to the contracts being made at the fair, said Scheer. The participation of the policy do the special attraction: "CeBIT is the Davos of the IT industry," affirmed the BITKOM President.
In recent years, CeBIT was added to competing high-tech trade shows, such as the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in mobile communications and consumer electronics exhibition in Berlin at IFA consumer electronics. Large exhibitors like Nokia or Panasonic withdrew from Hanover. Fair boss Frank Pörschmann so pleased about some returnees such as the printing specialists Brother, Epson and Xerox. Even radio heavyweights like Telefonica and Motorola are now with the boat. "The big names are back," announced at CeBIT-chief. IBM CEO Sam Palmisano also travels on Monday to open in Hanover.
Partner country of CeBIT this year is Turkey. The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will inaugurate the exhibition on Monday with Merkel (CDU) official.
Monday miscellany
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"Pass the Katsup" |
Perhaps of more immediate interest to the Big League is Managing Intellectual Property magazine's first ever International Patent Forum, coming up in London on 5 and 6 April. This event, when tytoc collie wrote about the programme here, generated an unprecedented volume of readers' comments for anything he has ever written about conferences. While it might stretch the pockets of students, trainees and the newly-qualified, the range of topics covered and the credentials of the speakers on display will appeal to the discerning conference connoisseur. Check out the programme and register here and you will be entitled to enjoy the 20% IPKat readers' registration discount.
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If you like the look, you'll love the feel! |
World Trademark Review's latest Global Trademark Benchmarking Survey is now open and awaits your response. As WTR's Adam Smith explains:
"We have conducted this survey two years previously and it has always collected insightful results. The first year it revealed how the trade mark industry was coping with the economic downturn, while last year the results showed how many in-house counsel still find it hard to foster cross-company understanding for trade marks. The uniqueness of the survey is that it looks at both sides of the profession: for example, how in-house counsel believe fee structures are changing, and how much of a shift away from hourly rates external counsel are willing to admit to.
On behalf of each survey participant, WTR will make a donation to a charity chosen by the participant – either the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation or WaterAid. The results of the survey, together with full analysis based on interviews with trademark industry insiders, will be published in Issue 31 of WTR magazine, the issue we’ll take with us to INTA in May".To complete the in-house survey, click here. To complete the private practice survey, click here.
Before charity fatigue kicks in, let's not forget tytoc collie's friend and JIPLP contributor Bratin Roy. Despite being of apparently sane mind, Bratin is running the London Marathon on 17 April. Since he will no doubt be shedding many pounds, he would like you to do likewise, donating some cash for two charities that are close to his heart. To find out more, and indeed to sponsor Bratin's worthy causes, click here.
The Boxer & Mr. Beefcake....
will need him if they ever do a British re-make of "On the Waterfront".... Below had a great laugh...
HTC Merge: from spring on the market in the USA.
A few months after its launch, HTC is preparing to market its Merge, mid-range device with technical interest and a pleasing design.
The HTC Merge arriving in the U.S. market from next spring, for the moment no detail about the possible price. For those who do not know it yet, here's some information about its technical features:
* 3.7-inch diagonal display
* Google Android Operating System
* Qualcomm MSM7630 800 MHz processor
* 512 MB of RAM
* 4 GB of internal memory
* 5 megapixel camera with LED flash
* Video recording at 720p
* microSD slot, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, A-GPS
Turkey's modern Islamist PM Erbakan dies - Hamas chief to attend funeral - Video
But Welfare [Erbakan's Party] moves to raise the profile of Islam in social life and seek closer ties with Islamic states such as Iran and Libya quickly irked the staunchly secularist and then-omnipotent military.
A harsh army-led secularist campaign forced Erbakan to step down in 1997, after about a year in power.
The following year, the constitutional court outlawed Welfare and banned Erbakan from politics for five years, which eventually led to a split in his movement as moderates, led by Erdogan, broke ranks with their mentor.
PM Erdogan too, was nearly ousted by the court, for his Islamist tinkerings with the country's constitution [which he had described as being like a rag with holes in it].
ANKARA (AFP)— The head of Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, Khaled Meshaal, will attend the funeral of Turkey's first Islamist leader Necmettin Erbakan in Istanbul on Tuesday, a former aide to Erbakan said.
"Khaled Meshaal is to arrive in Istanbul to take part in the funeral with other dignitaries from the Muslim world," the aide, Mustafa Kamalak, told reporters on Monday.
Erbakan, the mentor of political Islam in secular Turkey and its first Islamist prime minister, died Sunday, aged 84, after a tumultuous four-decade career marred by feuds with the army.
President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan -- both Erbakan disciples who would later turn against him -- expressed sorrow after the death, with Erdogan shortening a visit to Germany in order to attend his mentor's funeral.
Erbakan became Turkey's first Islamist prime minister in 1996 in a coalition with a centre-right partner after his Welfare Party won 21 percent of the vote and became the largest parliamentary group.
But Welfare moves to raise the profile of Islam in social life and seek closer ties with Islamic states such as Iran and Libya quickly irked the staunchly secularist and then-omnipotent military.
A harsh army-led secularist campaign forced Erbakan to step down in 1997, after about a year in power.
The following year, the constitutional court outlawed Welfare and banned Erbakan from politics for five years, which eventually led to a split in his movement as moderates, led by Erdogan, broke ranks with their mentor.
Israel, which considers Hamas a terrorist organisation, has reacted angrily to previous contacts between Turkish officials and the militant group.
Erdogan has rejected the "terrorist" label for Hamas and insists that peace cannot be achieved in the Middle East if Hamas is excluded from the process.
Turkey has stated diplomatically that it hopes to be a part of the 'final solution' for the Palestinian - Israeli problem.
Obama to face Shariah court? ~ Anjem Choudary to lead Washington Shari'a for the US protest
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Sharia 4 the UK ~ shifts focus to US |
Cleric says president 'must embrace Islam' or be tried when Muslims take over U.S.
President Obama must embrace Islam as a way of life or face the consequences of a trial under the Shariah Islamic court system, declared British extremist cleric Anjem Choudary.
Choudary, founder and former chief of two Islamic groups disbanded by the British authorities under anti-terror legislation, is planning a Washington protest later this week in which he says he will call on American Muslims to revolt against the country and implement Shariah law.
Speaking in an interview with investigative reporter Aaron Klein on his program on New York's WABC Radio, Choudary claimed Obama was waging a war against Islam.
"[Obama] has promised all Muslims to be released from Guantanamo Bay. They are still languishing there even though he knows they are completely innocent," Choudary claimed.
"On top of that, he's increased the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, so he is a warmonger just as his predecessor was. And thirdly and more importantly," Choudary said, "the Muslims don't want democracy and freedom. Democracy and freedom are anathema to Islam and the Shariah."
Audio of the first part of the interview can be heard below:
Listen here
Choudary said that at his protest, scheduled to take place Thursday in front of the White House, he will call on Obama and all Americans to "embrace Islam, not only as a religion but as a way of life."
Choudary continued: "And at the same time, we will be issuing a warning that the presence of U.S. forces and U.S. personnel in Muslim countries, looking out for their interests, at the moment is very, very insecure. I think the Muslims are boiling angry around the world. This is something [Americans] should take very seriously."
Choudary turned his ire back to Obama, claiming the president was committing "crimes" against Muslims in Iraq and in Afghanistan.
He warned Obama: "I do believe that the only way for him to save himself in this life and in the hereafter is to embrace Islam. Islam will eradicate all his sins; he will be like the day his mother gave birth to him. Otherwise, when we do implement the Shariah, obviously he will face the consequences of a trial under the Shariah court."
Choudary has publicly stated he believes the flag of Islam will fly over White House. He repeated that contention in his interview with Klein today.
"I do believe that as a Muslim every part of the world will be governed by the Shariah," he said. "So symbolically the flag of Islam will fly from every single country, every single nation."
Audio of the second part of the interview can be heard below:
Listen here
It was not immediately clear whether Choudary will be allowed to enter the U.S.
He currently presents himself as an Islamic lecturer and a leader of Britain's Shariah Islamic court. He is a founder and former chief of Al Muhajiroun, a British group that sought to impose an Islamic state on the U.K. and that was allied with the goals of al-Qaida.
Al Muhajiroun, officially disbanded by the British government citing anti-terrorism laws in 2004, and its main leader, Omar Bakri Muhammad, were banned from the U.K. in 2005. Choudary then became a leader of Al Ghurabaa, which was reportedly a continuation of Al Muhajiroun. Al Ghurabaa was banned in 2006 by the U.K. for reportedly supporting terrorism.
Former Al Muhajiroun members led by Choudary reportedly continue their activism at public protests and on Internet forums under a new banner group called Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah.
Choudary in 2007 led a protest outside London's Central Mosque attended by WND. The protest called for the downfall of the British government for offering knighthood to novelist and essayist Salman Rushdie, who was accused by Muslims of defaming Islam and Muhammad in his 1988 book "The Satanic Verses."
Depictions of British flags were burned at Choudary's protest. Ralliers chanted, "Down with Britain, down with the Queen."
Tehran: Conference on Islamic awakening: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood leader makes pilgrimage to kiss the ring of the Supreme Ayatollah
He also said that Imam Khomeini’s views have played a key role in the political changes currently taking place in the region, because he taught people to rise up against the oppressors.
They must be wounded in that they know the revolt in the Islamic world has nothing to do with the west ~ and that the empty promises of Islam have not filled the gap ~ between the reality of the western living standard and their own.
The democracy and human rights promoted by the Western countries are false slogans and the perfect version of the human rights can be found in the Islamic principles, he added.
Obviously if the MB gain control of Egypt there would be even a further erosion of human rights in favor of Islam.
TEHRAN – The conference of the Islamic Awakening in Arab World was held on Sunday in the Faculty of World Studies at the University of Tehran.
Political analysts, pundits, journalists, politicians, and lecturers gave talks at the conference on the ongoing developments and uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa which led to major political changes in countries like Tunisia and Egypt.
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has described the Islamic nations’ movements against their autocratic rulers as Islamic awakening.
Kamal al-Halbawi, a senior member of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, was one of the prominent figures who gave a speech at the conference.
“The Westerners have always tried to present Egypt as a close friend of Israel. But there is evidence that all Egyptians hate the Zionists regime and wish for the downfall of this dictatorial government,” he said.
Many people in the region are against the Zionist regime and the hegemony of the United States, he stated.
He also said that Imam Khomeini’s views have played a key role in the political changes currently taking place in the region, because he taught people to rise up against the oppressors.
Elsewhere in his remarks, al-Halbawi highlighted the importance of Islamic unity, saying Muslims should maintain their unity and solidarity because the Westerners are seeking to undermine the unity among Muslims.
He said that the Islamic countries should not ask for the West’s assistance, and they should work together to make progress.
The democracy and human rights promoted by the Western countries are false slogans and the perfect version of the human rights can be found in the Islamic principles, he added.
Massoud Shajareh, a member of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, was also one of the speakers at the conference.
He said that the most important tool of the West for controlling the regional countries is the secularization of the Muslim societies.
The Westerners try to control Muslims through dependent rulers like Hosni Mubarak and Muammar Gaddafi and establishment of NGOs which promote secularism.
He added that Muslims should make every effort to neutralize the West’s plans, and the best strategy is promotion of Islam as the best ideology in the world.
The Faculty of World Studies dean, Saeed Ameli, also gave a lecture at the conference.
He said that recent developments in the region and downfall of some regional powers are signs of the end of the U.S. hegemony in the world.
He also opined that regional nations have risen up against secularism and promotion of Western thoughts.
Tehran Times
UK: Teacher's face slashed and skull fractured 'for teaching other religions to Muslim girls' - Similarity to Dutch school
Metsemakers [teacher] had gone to work at the school full of integration ideals.
Four men launched a horrific attack on a teacher in which they slashed his face and left him with a fractured skull because they did not approve of him teaching religion to Muslim girls.
Akmol Hussein, 26, Sheikh Rashid, 27, Azad Hussain, 25, and Simon Alam, 19, attacked Gary Smith with a Stanley knife, an iron rod and a block of cement.
Mr Smith, who is head of religious education at Central Foundation Girls' School in Bow, east London, also suffered a fractured skull.
The four now face a jail sentence.
Detectives made secret recordings of the gang's plot to attack Mr Smith prior to the brutal assault.
The covert audio probe captured the gang condemning Mr Smith for 'teaching other religions to our sisters', the court heard.
The RE teacher was targeted as he made his way on foot along Burdett Road in nearby Mile End on July 12 last year, Snaresbrook Crown Court was told.
Prosecutor Sarah Whitehouse told the court: 'The evidence from what was said on the probe points overwhelmingly to a religious motive for this attack.'
It is believed the gang had made two earlier attempts to get at the teacher.
They were due to stand trial for the attack at Snaresbrook Crown Court but pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent.
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Central Foundation Girls' School in Bow, east London, where Gary Smith was a religious education teacher |
A fifth defendant, Badruzzuha Uddin, 23, admitted assisting the thugs by hiding blood-stained clothing.
Judge John Hand QC remanded the defendants in custody until sentence on a date yet to be confirmed.
Hussein, of Bethnal Green, east London; Rashid, of Shadwell, east London; Hussain, of Wapping, east London, and Alam, of Whitechapel, east London; have all admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent.
Uddin, of Shadwell, admitted assisting an offender.
Daily Mail
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Only Muslims to know peace. |
'Apartheid at Islamic Schools'
AMSTERDAM, 18/08/09 - Orthodox Islamic schools treat Dutch teachers who are not Muslims as inferior beings. They have to have their meals separately and cannot be greeted in the same way as Muslims, says a former teacher at the As Siddieq school in Amsterdam.
Hennie Metsemakers was suspended by the school a year and a half ago because she spoke of religions other than Islam in the lessons. "I had drawn a timeline and shown the most important events of a number of beliefs on it." Not only was that forbidden, but she was also ordered to teach the children that Christianity would be abolished, she told Het Parool newspaper.
A few years ago, a number of teachers had already left the As Siddieq school due to the extremely orthodox attitude of its management. According to Metsemakers, the board has meanwhile succeeded in imposing the orthodox signature on all staff members, even though half the team consists of non-Muslim teachers.
Non-Muslim teachers at As Siddieqschool and other schools are treated kindly, but not as full-value colleagues. Metsemakers had gone to work at the school full of integration ideals. "The leadership was attentive and nice, but turned out to have a hidden agenda. In the breaks, we had to eat separately. We were not allowed to be greeted in the same way as Muslim teachers, not with the word salaam, peace, because non-Muslims cannot know what peace is."
According to Metsemakers, the school wants to teach children that they are not allowed to be friends with non-believers. "Only Muslims can after all be good people."
Metsemakers has meanwhile warned the Education Inspectorate about the school. The As Siddieq is subsidised by the Dutch government.
Samsung Galaxy S: Update to Android 2.3 Gingerbread for March
Interesting news coming for all owners of Samsung Galaxy S, according to leaked on the web, Samsung Germany has confirmed the 'update to Android 2.3 Gingerbread coming for the month of March.
In all likelihood, Samsung will maintain its TouchWiz user interface, and then from the perspective of graph should change little. The new features are characterized by intrinsic functions such as Gingerbread, the new system for selecting text, the new keyboard, better battery management, VOIP, etc..
We just have to wait.
The system's fine, but where's the money?
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Much loved by innovative SMEs: the Loan Arranger |
"It is very sad that there was little input from SMEs at the meeting last week, but not at all surprising. SMEs are trying to keep their heads above water when the banks won't lend and they are often fighting off attacks on their IP from counterfeiters and larger well funded companies with clever aggressive lawyers. They are in my opinion effectively excluded from the Hargreaves report by virtue of the makeup of the panel and the language used. It might also be because they think IP Law in the UK is fine and that they don't have the time nor the money to navel-gazetytoc collie applauds not just the message but the manner of its delivery. Members of the Hargreaves Review, please take note!
I tried very hard to be allowed to attend that session this week and I believe I had a lot to offer. I am not a lawyer or an academic but I have been successfully managing, protecting and exploiting my clients' IP from a commercial perspective for thirty years, working with lawyers throughout the world. I wrote to my MP, to the IPO and to Prof Hargreaves himself but had no luck despite my MP writing to Baroness Wilcox on my behalf [tytoc collie would love to see more involvement from MPs in general -- the All Party Parliamentary IP Group seems to have gone to ground again -- and from the IP Minister Baroness Wilcox]. I have finally managed to get a slot on Monday afternoon [today!] at the IP Review Surgery Event
The fact is that SMEs are not usually populated by lawyers and academics, the wording in the review document suggests that unless you are a lawyer or an academic, your opinions count for nothing. Professor Hargreaves states that the submissions must be "evidential", this word alone would put any hard working SME off. Perhaps as an academic Professor Hargreaves does not want case studies from SMEs who may well be able to shed great light on this issue. Perhaps SMEs are intimidated by the language of the Review document. Surely if the government or the panel wanted to know the problems facing innovators, they would have put an innovator on the panel. At least he or she would have spoken the same language as the SMEs, also I don't think there are any women on the panel
There are three major problems facing innovative individuals and SMEs in the UK and IP framework is not one of them.
1. The lack of people willing to invest in startups. Our banks won't consider lending to you and the turnover you need to attract Private Equity investors grows each year. Added to this is the fact that investors in this country usually require 100% security over the innovator's IP, and too often the founder finds himself removed from his creation if things don't move as fast as the investors require. As the banks have done away with the concept of bank managers who took it upon themselves to understand their client's business, there is no one to talk to at our banks who knows what you are talking about. If you doubt me, trying explaining the concept of a royalty stream to your local Barclays business branch [tytoc collie entirely endorses this. He has been hearing it from small innovative businesses since the 1980s].
2. The catastrophic consequences of financial failure in the UK. Our laws relating to financial failure are so draconian that a failure when young can prevent you ever being able to raise funds in the future and even if you manage to start up again and be successful, whenever you are mentioned in the media no matter how successful you are even decades later you will be referred to as "Bill Smith the former bankrupt" In the United States failure is regarded as a part of the learning curve unless you have intentionally defrauded people. That is seen as capitalism in action [Strange how, at the bottom level, banks are so reluctant to take even the smallest of risks, while they seem to throw caution to the winds when it comes to buying subprime mortgage portfolios and investing in financial paper of which they have manifestly little understanding]
3. Predatory behaviour by larger British firms, particularly retailers with very scary lawyers. The costs to an SME to take on a large company that the SME believes has infringed his IP rights are simply out of the question for most SMEs. It is possible of course to arrange IP litigation insurance but that requires an opinion from counsel before the insurance company will commit. The cost of this can be prohibitive to a small company or individual. Even if you can force the big company to back down enforcement can become a full time job [If evidence is needed here, Hargreaves can speak to ACID, which can provide some real examples]
Perhaps it is because I am Australian but I get extremely annoyed when the British do whatever the Americans tell them to do. It drives me nuts. Who cares what Google wants? They don't care about innovation in the UK, they just want it made easier for them to make money here. This UK has never been short of innovators and it isn't now, it's just extremely bad at supporting its innovators, forcing many to move abroad or giving up their innovations for next to nothing because it's not polite to fight back. I have several innovative British SMEs as clients, they export throughout the world they use the Internet as an integral part of their businesses. Sadly most of them could not raise funds here and have raised them abroad from foreign investors who take a long term view".