There it is again, “the top of the food chain”as if there is nowhere to
Food sources on a coral reef. Photosynthesis occurs on all exposed surfaces,
in a New Jersey reef food web
Scientists working on tropical coral reefs have predicted that the majority
to adjacent shelf areas and eventually to groundfish food chains.
This ocean food web displayed above shows that krill and other herbivorous
Estuaries are where the stream or river meets the ocean. The coral reef has
The food chain of a coral reef
lost as it travels “up” the food chain. Coral reef trophic structure
of coral reefs, shellfish and the marine food web in general – and,
Food Chain of Coral Reef
Figure 1. A coastal food web in Alaska based on primary production by
0778719944 - Coral Reef Food Chains (Food Chains)
Click here for Coral Reef Bibliography.
Fitting Algae Into the Food Web Food Web Game
Coral Reef food web
A more realistic depiction of who eats whom is called a food web;
Use the Marine Food Pyramid to create 2 food chains.
A food Web would show the producers and consumers by arrows, but then show
From "Fishing down marine food webs' as an integrative concept" by Daniel
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