Friday, March 4, 2011

France to enforce ban on full-face veils from April

Despite the law against wearing the Burqa and Niqab, women dressed this way are still seen in the streets of Marseilles, France, 26/10/2011

Off with their veils!!

The veils will be outlawed virtually anywhere outside women's own homes, except when they are worshipping in a religious place or travelling as a passenger in a private car.

The ban comes into force as President Nicolas Sarkozy is putting a special focus on Islam and its role in a secular society ahead of a presidential election next year.

Let them eat Islam!

Look at the Islamic/ Arab world it is in an uproar ~ namely because they can't discuss local political or even religious issues. You can probably criticize something way off in America, than to point out something needs improvement in your own country, with your own government. Then you have this outburst of anger and mayhem ~ then you can hear the people speak ~ we need food, higher wages, better living conditions. So relief is gained through revolution or threats of one.

It is the perfect time to talk about Islam in secular society, nevermind the French elections the Islamic world has just flipped its lid. We know that one of the things Muslims are allowed to talk about is Islam ~ Islam is good, Islam is great, its the best religion in the world ~ and of course they are not just saying this ~ there are stern penalties for not toeing the Islamic line ~ and by extension the state line. So that Muslims settling in Europe ~ think that they should have similar Islamic enforcement here.

And even though they struggle to come to Europe, namely because the Islamic systems of governments have not provided for them ~ there is still not the connection in their minds that the Islamic system of law ~ and the extreme restrictions on freedoms that go with it ~ are the problem.

Rather than admit defeat and give up on the idea ~ their beliefs become intensified ~ they now envision the free and prosperous society ~ locked down by the same religious restrictions, as in the countries they fled ~ that anyone from the outside can clearly see is the source of the Islamic world's problems.

Muslims are taught to view their history [of Islam] from a fanciful view ~ throwing out the parts they don't like. Many early scientists and thinkings ~ of the Muslim world ~ left or renounced Islam because of the restrictions on freedom of thought ~ and to prove it almost 1000 years of inactivity resulted, because their objections were not heeded ~ but even today prominent Islamic thinkers ~ are encouraging Muslims to reject freedom of thought.

There is a clash between the backward and the forward looking!

Integration is a little like running with the pack ~ Muslims can't keep up ~ simply because they are looking in the opposite direction. We are hoping for a new world ~ some years ago who could have imagined the internet ~ so we don't know what world exactly ~ we just keep inventing ~ Muslims on the other hand are hoping for a mythical world ~ one where Islam ruled the [known] world ~ to re-emerge. I think in Europe it is easier to think about such things ~ when you have enough eat ~ but I think in the Islamic world they are a little tired waiting for this world. You don't have a proper job or food and the place is being eaten alive by corruption ~ take Iran for example ~ it is much more difficult to focus on a new Islamic dawning ~ and besides they thought they just had one!!

Like, we were in an ancient Greek market ~ we need to talk about Islam's place in a secular society ~ openly. In the Muslim world you can't scrutinize Islam ~ but this is not the Islamic world. And we would prefer if Muhammad was confined to the mosque.

PARIS - From Saudi tourists window-shopping on the Champs-Elysees to Muslim women in a departure lounge at Charles de Gaulle Airport or the few young French converts on suburban estates, any woman who steps outside in France wearing a niqab or full- face veil will be breaking the law from next month.

The veils will be outlawed virtually anywhere outside women's own homes, except when they are worshipping in a religious place or travelling as a passenger in a private car.

From April 11, police are instructed to summon veil-wearers to a station, where they will be asked to remove the garment for "identification" and leave it off. If the wearer refuses to remove it, they will be fined up to €150 (S$265).

Any third party found to have coerced a woman into wearing the face covering, for example a husband or family member, risks a €30,000 fine and a year in prison.

The ban comes into force as President Nicolas Sarkozy is putting a special focus on Islam and its role in a secular society ahead of a presidential election next year.

He has come under fire for deliberately stigmatising the Muslim population to win votes from the far-right electorate.

France's Muslim community of five million is Europe's largest but the government says fewer than 3,000 women wear the full-face veil.

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