Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Homophobic religious fanatics - if there is a hell you are going there faster than gays would be.

The Creator doesn’t look kindly upon people who spew hatred and want to discriminate against others. Your sin is far more serious than you think. What makes you even consider that the Creator would look upon you favorably just because you insert a penis in a vagina and make life miserable, humiliate and force a group of people to second class citizens? That just doesn’t cut it in the eyes of the Creator.

You are hereby put on notice: if there is a hell you are going there faster than gays would be.

Religious homophobes want this for America!

Your religions are fabricated and false, your interpretations of the Scriptures are erroneous and you have no right whatsoever to make the government accept your ideology. Ours is a secular nation contrary to what you believe and a THEOCRACY is not what our Founding Fathers intended for their country.

There are even some religions, Christians to be exact that not only disagree with your homophobia but are performing marriage ceremonies for people of the same sex.

Religious extremists are pissed because they can no longer humiliate gay people. We are proud, we don't buy what they are selling so these homophobic religious fanatics are attempting to scare us with this going to hell crap...they used to do the same with Blacks in the old South.

Eleanor Roosevelt said: "Nobody can humiliate you without your consent"

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