Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Libya: British radicals could use attacks to recruit terrorists

Just a small message I want to bring to you ~ SHARIAH WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD!!

It must be an amazing time for western Muslims ~ in that in virtually every Muslim nation on Europe's borders ~ has been rocked to its core in some fashion ~ there are no examples to point to ~ to say this is the paradise you in the west are waiting for. The Sharia belt ~ has not delivered on the Islamic promise. All Muslims can do ~ is as some of the die-hard Communists in Europe do ~ is to say that the Communism you saw in the Eastern Block was not real communism ~ our communism ideals are much better. Similarly ~ that was not really Islam ~ even with protests in Saudi Arabia [who have all the Shari'a bells and whistles]  ~ the way we see a Shari'a state in Europe ~ would be run far better.

An absolute joke!

Collectively look at the Islamic world. Gaddifi's people protesting because they don't have enough food and good paying work ~ but his foundation is building mega mosques in Indonesia, the Philippines and parts of Africa. One of them in Africa looks like the mosque flew out of space ~ and landed there ~ there is nothing else of note around it!! The New York GZ mosque ~ $10 -$150 million budget for construction ~ and in Algeria the second largest mosque outside of Arabia ~ with the tallest minaret on earth is being constructed at a cost of about $1.5 billion. Obviously to send the message of Islam's perceived greatness and dominance to everyone ~ while the people's of the Muslim regions and even those in Saudi Arabia ~ live under extremely poor conditions. Some of these places have so many mosques ~ you can literally trip over them ~ but places of learning and the betterment of the people are far and few between ~ I suppose the prevailing thought is that everything is in the Koran. And the message ~ is that we would do well to do the same!!

It's going down bragging ~ all the way!!

The Security Service is on heightened alert for the possibility of an outrage, with radicals in Britain using the mission to claim that Islam is under attack by "imperialists". There is a suspicion among analysts that al–Qaeda could try to take advantage of the situation. A number of Libyans, all of them implacably opposed to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, have played a senior role in the terrorist group but sources said the "narrative" of action in Libya could be twisted into propaganda.

Muslim men and women protest opposite Downing street against the military action taken by the UK, USA and France against Libya on March 21, 2011 in London, England.

Burqa babes!!

"No one could have guessed what has happened in the last few months in the Middle East and no one is sure what to expect next," said one source. "There are huge areas of uncertainty."

Reports in Libya suggested that some Islamists had sided with the rebels. "The al–Qaeda narrative is that the leadership of countries such as Libya has been guilty of apostasy and there is every danger that they will see whatever replaces them, especially if it is democratic, as equally guilty," the source said.

Britain is also home to a number of al–Qaeda associates who are senior members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. They were placed under control orders until Colonel Gaddafi forged a peace deal with the group's leaders in Libya, but that agree

Muslim men and women protest opposite Downing street against the military action taken by the UK, USA and France against Libya on March 21, 2011 in London, England

The current security level is "severe," meaning an attack is "highly likely," and that has not gone up, but Security Service analysts were thought to have been on alert for increased "chatter" in the extremist community and on websites and chat rooms.

MI5 was less concerned about the threat of state–sponsored terrorism from Libya. "Gaddafi would have to go from a standing start within the space of a week and his attention right now is probably on staying alive," one analyst said.

Nevertheless, the Security Service was taking Colonel Gaddafi's threats to attack the West seriously and was examining both possible threats from within the Libyan embassy.

David Cameron told the Commons: "If Gaddafi's attacks on his own people succeed, Libya will become once again a pariah state festering on Europe's border, a source of instability, exporting terror beyond her borders.

"We should remember that Gaddafi is a dictator who has a track record of violence and of support for terrorism against our country – the people of Lockerbie, for instance, know what this man is capable of."

There were also concerns that al–Qaeda might try to take advantage of any power vacuum that developed in Libya, especially the North African branch known as al–Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Baroness


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