Wednesday, March 23, 2011

NOW proves their incompetency and irrelevance to women yet again

Kimberly Morin

After uber left wing nut job Bill Maher called former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin a ‘dumb twat’ on his show recently, the misogynistic shrills at NOW actually made a statement – if that is what you want to call the below: (apparently they don’t hire the best and brightest over there – this is actually from their Communications Director Lisa Bennett)

I've got a few things to say on the latest "controversy" getting everyone all fired up:

1. Listen, supposedly progressive men (ok, and women, too): Cut the crap! Stop degrading women with whom you disagree and/or don't like by using female body terms or other gender-associated slurs. OK? Can you do that, please? If you think someone's an idiot or a danger to the country, feel free to say so, but try to keep their sex out of it. Sexist insults have an impact on all women.

That was her statement regarding what Maher said about Palin. That’s it. That is what the Communications Director of NOW wrote on the NOW ‘Equality blog’ regarding this incident. NOW may want to either have her get some more training or hire someone who actually knows how to communicate in a professional manner. Of course, as with the few times that NOW has spoken out against sexist attacks against Palin, the shrilliberal had to point fingers at the Right Wing (this is comical to say the least):

2. We're on to you, right-wingers:

a. You're trying to take up our time getting us to defend your friend Sarah Palin. If you keep us busy defending her, we have less time to defend women's bodies from the onslaught of reproductive rights attacks and other threats to our freedom, safety, livelihood, etc. Sorry, but we can't defend Palin or even Hillary Clinton from every sexist insult hurled at them in the media. That task would be impossible, and it would consume us. You know this would not be a productive way to fight for women's equal rights, which is why you want us stuck in this morass.

Roe v Wade isn't being attacked. The women of NOW can continue to get all the abortions they want. People who are pro-life should not have their tax dollars pay for what they consider to be the murder of a child. Since NOW has long since become completely irrelevant to any women's movement, it seems awfully ironic of them to be whining about the Right pointing out the fact that they do indeed allow nasty, vile attacks on Conservative women (they were nowhere to be found defending Hillary either). How is it that the Right got NOW stuck in this 'morass'? They have mostly neglected to speak about any attacks on Palin of the almost viral, sexist attacks that there have been. There is one in recent memory - when David Letterman disgusted the majority of the country with his outrageous attack on Palin and her daughter. Even then NOW couldn't just call Letterman out for his remarks, they had to bring up something that Limbaugh did 20 years previous. Alas, she continues to dig herself into her ever deepening hole:

b. As usual, you're looking for any way to discredit NOW. You claim we care and work only for liberal woman, but that's a LIE. We have defended Sarah Palin and other conservative women from sexist attacks. Maybe not on your schedule, but we've done so. And by the way, all those laws we advocate for -- we don't ask that they include a clause saying only certified liberal women can benefit from them. Conservative women benefit from them, too! Just because we don't open up a Palin wing on the NOW website doesn't mean we don't think that every single woman -- right, left and in-between -- deserves equal pay, full reproductive rights, justice in the courts, etc. So knock off the facetious whining that right-wing women are not represented by NOW's work.

This was the most amusing part of her statement. She is blaming the Right Wing for trying to discredit NOW? NOW discredited themselves long ago when they became nothing more than a tool being used to push a progressive agenda. They stopped being about ALL women and only supported those women who actually held the same beliefs as them (as in abortion etc). NOW ceased being a women's movement and became nothing more than a left wing movement many years ago. It was apparent during the Clinton years when they were silent about Bill's sordid affair in the White House and was completely transparent when they refused to defend Hillary during her run for President over Obama. Further proof isn't needed to show what they have become. Here is her final whine:

c. Prior to the emergence of Palin on the national scene: Where the heck were you when Hillary and Nancy Pelosi and other women were being demeaned in sexist ways? Did you speak up once on behalf of a woman politician before you learned the name Sarah Palin? Did you work toward equality for women in any way prior to August 2008? It would be nice to think that you've suddenly discovered sexism and are interested in joining us in the struggle for full equality. But this really smacks of the worst kind of hypocrisy: Folks with no history of working on an issue trying to discredit those who have been working for decades on the issue. Ridiculous.

That's all I have to say on the matter. Now, back to business.

What issues does she believe Conservatives should have been working on? The same as the progressives of NOW like abortion (including infanticide), amnesty and 'solidarity' for unions? What issues has NOW been working on over the past years? Certainly not women's rights. We already have them. Certainly not equality for women because NOW does not treat all women equal. Certainly not supporting women who are feminists but not feminists of the left wing persuasion. The irony of this shrill rant is that NOW has become nothing more than tool for far left wing progressives. They are women being used to push an agenda that willnecessarily hurt women. Where was NOW's outrage when Congress added Affirmative Action for women in the Financial Reform bill? Any true feminist wants to be hired based on her merits and experience, not based on the fact that she has a vagina. Again, NOW proves their incompetency and irrelevance.


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