Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Obama vs. NRA

Wednesday, Mar 16, 2011 at 12:57 PM EDT

NRA leader Wayne LaPierre is refusing to meet with Obama over gun control, and now Obama must be losing sleep over it, as he seems to be in a 24/7 daze. What does Glenn think of the emerging fight over the second amendment?

“Yesterday I asked, has the president been hit with a tranquilizer dart?” Glenn said as he started the show. Obama’s been pretty quiet lately on Libya, Japan, the entire Middle East, and our increasingly perilous economy. In fact, the only thing the President seems to have time for is his March Madness bracket (he picked all number one seeds, pretty basic bracket).

“So what is he working on? Well, he has come to the conclusion that we need more gun control,” Glenn explained.

“Pat, is this a reasonable, centrist, loving, caring, protecting, almost fatherly kind of legislation that he is proposing,” Glenn asked.

“I would think so,” Pat answered. “Except it’s not legislation, right?”

Surely Obama has reached out, and in all fairness, spoken with the NRA and Wayne LaPierre.

Glenn jokingly reenacted the conversation. “So the president’s people call Wayne LaPierre and said, ‘Mr. Wayne La Pierre, we know that you indeed are evil because you’re the NRA, but we’d like to meet with evil because, heck, we’ve already done it before with Hugo Chavez. So we’d like to meet with you but could you please leave your evil nasty face at home and just work with us on something that’s good for the American people, more gun legislation.’ Wayne, because he’s evil, said, ‘I shall not! I am busy smelling like sulfur now!’. Click, and he hung up the phone.”

“That’s how it went down?” Pat asked.

“I’m pretty sure. The president is trying to do the right thing,” Glenn said. “Look, there’s just people that have to come kicking and screaming.”

Glenn then pointed out that the Huffington Post is now reporting that “Insiders have told them that the president is just really going to go for an executive order.”

Glenn couldn’t believe it! “All he wants is to sit down at a table and have a loving, open, fair minded,” he said. Obama surely just wants to have a nonpartisan, frank conversation about the evils of guns in the hands of the wrong people.

“What was it Van Jones said? That the people need to force this president to do what he wants to do and knows that he has to do. Wasn’t it that? I think it was, yeah. So anyway, this, completely unrelated. I don’t know what made me think of that. This president is going to forced to sign an executive order on the Second Amendment,” Glenn said.

“Just screw the Constitution,” Glenn said. “Wayne La Pierre, what’s wrong with you?”

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