And you want the Local, State and Federal Government to put their seal of approval on your erroneous interpretation of the Scriptures?
I just want to know if I got this right…you actually want to legalize your agenda to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation? You really think that people who don’t insert their penises into vaginas are inferior, second class, immoral and deviates? You also think that they should be punished their pursuit of happiness denied and their sex lives criminalized because you have some absurd concept of passages from the Scriptures…most of which you reject or ignore and only cling on to the ones you like?
Well, I have news for you. We live in a secular nation; the Founding Fathers were very specific and insistent on establishing the concept of the SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. Contrary to what you think, this is not a Christian nation…albeit the majority living in it is of the Christian faith we still have FREEDOM OF RELIGION and FREEDOM FROM RELIGION. Basic human rights are not subject to popularity in the polls, to be put to a vote or denied just because it is a minority that is affected…America has a very robust concept that yes, majority rules but minorities have rights.
Marriage is not a heterosexual privilege and neither are human rights. There is no such thing as some rights granted and some denied on the basis of what you are and who you are. You either have full rights or you don’t. Perhaps you would be happier to live in a theocratic society like that of Iran…that would suit you just fine; after all, your religious fanaticism is no different than theirs...except your preacher hasn't asked you to strip a bomb on to your body and blow yourself up in a crowded subway or to fly a plane into a building...but give him time and he will have you doing that and also drinking arsenic laden Koolaid.
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