Saturday, March 5, 2011

Supreme Court Rules in favor of Reverend Fred Phelps

Supreme Court Rules for Reverend Fred Phelps' 'God Hates Fags' Picketing Outside Military Funerals

“The Reverend Fred Phelps' God-Hates-Faggetry that plays out outside military funerals, political conventions and Rent productions at Corona del Mar High School won U.S. Supreme Court protection this morning.

Justices voted 8-1 to uphold an appeals-court ruling that threw out a $5 million judgment to the father of a dead Marine who sued Westboro Baptist Church members who picketed his son's funeral. The court ruled the First Amendment protects fundamentalist-church members, including those from the Topeka, Kansas, hate-gregation who mount attention-getting, anti-gay protests outside military funerals.”

The Supreme Court in their almost unanimous decision deemed it Constitutional for this decrepit, impotent old fart to keep going around insulting people and at the most sensitive and somber of any occasion: that of the funeral of one of our fallen brave. I can understand the Supreme Court adherence to a very narrow and strict interpretation of the Constitution; after all, FREE SPEECH is for everyone even if we disagree with it or the way it is being expressed. However, if the Supreme Court would deal with the issue of gay equality with the same standard of strict interpretation of the Constitution we would have not only GAY MARRIAGE but a slew of other initiatives that would actually bring the gay community to become full fledged, first class citizens. Let’s see what happens when the first of these gay controversies hits the Supreme Court. I am not betting on some of the Justices…they will pick and chose those aspects of the Constitution they like and throw out those they don’t.

Constitutional rights are very much like can't be a little bit pregnant, you are pregnant or you are not...You either have Constitutional rights or you don't.



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