Friday, April 22, 2011


Sean Duffy

Now the shoe is on the other foot…but there are major differences.

When you look at the origin and the motivation of those who went in to interrupt public discourse, to actually sabotage any attempt at having an elected official interface with the constituents we come up with the fabricated Tea Party. Yes, they were organized and funded by special interests and got their fuel from them. There were professional organizers who got paid to get all these gullible and otherwise ignorant people to show up in the name of freedom and to defend Democracy…at least that what they thought they were doing.

But who can forget the sobbing, pathetic female who said: “they are taking away my America” not realizing that it is everybody’s America. But these uncouth and uncivil persons were so pissed that a black man was in the White House that they felt threatened and thus their need to vent out their frustrations at these meetings.

Fast forward now to what happened recently at a Town Hall Meeting where Representative Sean Duffy got asked questions and his answers were not just satisfactory, the majority of the people in the meeting even booed to express their disagreement with the way the Congressman voted.

The difference here is quite obvious: back then it was a bunch of rogue maladjusted and ignorant people who went and made discourse impossible. They were saboteurs of one of the most precious rights we have: Freedom of Speech and assembly. Now it is quite different because the people attending these meetings are not there to interrupt but to ask questions, to confront those who want to end the American way of life and these people are no dummies, they are smart and articulate and the Congressman in this case was not just baffled, he was stumped.

There will be more of those in the weeks and months to come. Republican elected officials would be hard-pressed to hold TOWN HALL MEETINGS for fear of being exposed for what they are: traitors to the middle class and the poor. But that also may extend to their political rallies when it is conceivable that the demonstrators could outnumber the supporters. A brand new day is coming to America: These hypocrites, these bought and sold politicians will no longer be able to hide in their Capitol Hill offices.

Rep. Sean Duffy confronted by constituents over Medicare, taxes

by Joan McCarter Fri Apr 22, 2011

Rep. Sean "I can't live on $174K a year" Duffy (R-WI) is among those Republicans getting some heat from constituents over his vote to end Medicare and keep tax cuts for the rich. He's also getting an education on what exactly it was he voted for.

CONSTITUENT: I hear you saying two contradictory things about taxes. One you want to reform the tax code so that corporations to pay more, and two you don’t want corporations to pay so much so that they’ll somehow stimulate business. So I don’t understand that contradiction. The CBO […] the Ryan program proposes to turn Medicare into a voucher program.

DUFFY: It doesn’t, No it doesn’t.


DUFFY: No, it doesn’t there’s no voucher.

CONSTITUENT: That’s what my understanding of what it is.


CONSTITUENT: They count the cost to seniors if it goes into a voucher program, it’s going to be trillions of dollars for those young men like this guy in front.

DUFFY: It’s a premium support it’s not a voucher. The bottom line is if we do nothing, if we do nothing, you can all say this is all fine and dandy, you can get it and I know any young people here you can all get this program.

CONSTITUENT: I agree that if we do nothing we’re in trouble, that’s why we have to raise taxes on the rich, and raise taxes on the corporations who have never been richer than they have now. And you guys just cut their taxes again.


DUFFY: When you say cutting taxes, if taxes maintain the same level and rate is that a tax cut.

CONSTITUENT: To maintain the same level that was long ago, that was sold on the premise of creating jobs by giving more money to the wealthy.

OTHER CONSTITUENTS: Yeah! [inaudible]

You should watch the tape…now it is the Republicans who are in the hot seat but rightfully so, wanting to end SOCIAL SECURITY, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, LABOR UNIONS, PUBLIC EDUCATION does not sit very well with middle of the road Americans.



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