Very inspiring, very optimistic, too optimistic perhaps
But if you ask me, I fear that he is traveling into the same traps, the same troubled waters that he has before. His optimism and idea that the Republican-Teahadists will work with him and everyone in order to achieve a debt reduction and a balanced budget far exceeds my perception of how it is all going to turn out.
We haven’t heard rebuttals or objections yet, but I can guarantee that the vitriol and the personal attacks, the threat of sabotage and blackmail will increase significantly from those who are in the pockets of the very wealthy and the corporations…mostly Republicans. There is no way in hell any of these traitors and selfish individuals will ever abandon their ideology even if it hurts America. There is no reasonable way anybody, including the pragmatic, logical, common sense President we have will be able to deal with these low lives.
My advice is…simply draw a line in the sand and say to these people they have to stop or get off the bus or we are going to make sure they are thrown under the bus. If they continue to insist in all these obscene tax cuts for the rich, if they try one more time to end SOCIAL SECURITY, MEDICARE, MEDICAID as we know it; we, and I hope the President heads this effort – we are going to make sure that not one single Republican is elected to any office whether it is local, state or federal. We can do this and we can call their bluff. We can’t allow them to hold the American nation hostage so that those individuals who have far more than they can spend and even far more than they deserve because America has provided them the opportunities…we can’t allow them to continue to milk our country dry and to be helped to grow their fortunes even more at the expense of the American people.
TAX INCREASES ARE IN ORDER, return to the rates we had long before Reagan; that ideologue and icon of Republicans began this crazy experiment to undermine the American nation. Stop the divisiveness, the vitriol, the call for violence and most of all; Republican-Teahadists have to abandon their insistence in destroying social programs that will in reality not bring the solution to our debt or our budget problem.