Thursday, April 21, 2011


Most people get into a routine and think that they are disciplined

There is nothing further from discipline than a routine…to begin with, it is easier, it presents no challenges and it offers stability in an otherwise unstable world. There are enough contradictions and incidents that prevent people from carrying out a routine. But one thing a routine is not: courageous or disciplined.

To me discipline means that you have to make yourself do things you otherwise would not do; to face challenges and to conquer them. Courage is needed when faced with a difficult situation and we have the guts to face it head on and challenge it, make it better or solve the problem.

When I hear Republican-Teahadists say they are CONSERVATIVES, I cringe, I think of them as cowards who don’t want to face the challenges and would much rather settle into a routine of bland monotony because it presents no threats to their lofty regimentation.

However, when I think of the word CONSERVATIVE I know that it means to conserve, to keep things as they are and I for one look around and see hundreds of things that need changing. It is not courageous or disciplined to insist in having things that are wrong stay the same.

When I think of PROGRESSIVES I associate it with those who want to progress, to look forward, and to implement the changes that are needed. That in essence is the difference between a Progressive and a Conservative. And, not only would I rather be a Progressive but I also strive to be a LIBERAL; which means that not only do I face the challenges of change but carry them a step further by being pro-active in bringing about that needed change.

And make no mistake about it there is absolutely nothing patriotic about insisting in maintaining the status quo when you know you are hurting others and the nation.

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