This economic crisis caused by Republican incompetence and a pervasive elimination of regulations has had its effects on the American people. Most Americans have felt it one way or another; some more than others and unless you are in that top 2% of the wealthiest, you have either noticed your wages stagnant or reduced, your property values crash; most of us have seen the democratic process go haywire and most disturbing, we have seen how gullible and blind some of these people can be.
Most communities have lost revenues and are making significant cuts in all programs; some even touching those that deal with safety and fire protection…but all have had to cut on education and even leave hanging in limbo those who are less fortunate and can’t take care of themselves…They are left to their own devices which means they have to crawl into a corner and die.
Arguably, these types of situation are as old as mankind itself and it has to do with greed and the proclivity of the very wealthy to be insensitive and lack compassion for those not in the same lofty, privileged position.
“Periods like these have always existed. Too many times in our recorded five thousand year history have the many had to greatly suffer while those of privilege, power, and position enjoyed lives of exorbitant leisure and frivolousness. In the past our habitat was in much better shape, our resources were largely untapped, and our population miniscule in comparison to the current makeup of our world. If we let these people keep taking our present and our future, they will do so. Eventually there will be nothing left to take, we will truly have nothing.
I believe that it is up to us, the people, the great majority of the population in America to take the bull by the horn and actually do something, to take action, to protest, to conduct recalls on politicians that are in the pockets of the wealthy and the corporations.
If this fragile experiment in DEMOCRACY is to survive we are going to have to change a few things. Without abandoning the FREE ENTERPRISE SYSTEM we have to work within the framework of logic and reason; we have to have regulations and we have to have a fair and logical taxation system because the one we have is only working out for those on the top of the food chain.
Corporate Profits At All-Time High As Recovery Stumbles
Koch Industries' Web Of Influence
“It might have taken a near-historic recession for many Americans to notice our country's rapidly rising levels of income inequality, but the gap between rich and poor has finally gone mainstream, with bloggers, economists and policymakers of all stripes spouting theories on why we should or shouldn't care.
And while the debate continues over cause and consequence, that central claim has proven unshakable: the gulf between the wealth of America's richest and poorest is widening, and few signs show any indication of it slowing.
"Economists are not sure how to fully explain the growing inequality in America," Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz writes in a new piece for Vanity Fair this week. "But one big part of the reason we have so much inequality is that the top 1 percent want it that way."
While it's unclear whether Stiglitz is correct about the intentions of the super-wealthy, what's certain is that the rich have emerged from the rubble of the last 30 years as indisputable winners. Since 1980, middle-class wages have largely stagnated and lower-class wages have declined, while the upper echelons of American society have seen a windfall. A study by University of California, Berkeley professor Emmanuel Saez found that, as of 2007, the top decile of American earners pulled in 49.7 percent of total wages, a level that's "higher than any other year since 1917."
Now I know that Republican-Teahadists are not worried about statistics, facts and reputable studies or polls because they; like those fundamentalist religious fanatics who believe in Creationism will stick both index fingers in their ears and go la-la-la-la in order not to hear evidence to the contrary.
These people, both Evangelical-Fundamentalists and die hard Republicans suffer from Attention Deficiency Syndrome when it comes to facts, evidence, proof and otherwise logical common sense…even if you were to hit them across the face with a 2 X 4 they will still cling to their askew ideologies.
But if you care to look below here are a few of the charts I have gathered to prove the point that corporations and the very wealthy are doing very well while the rest of us, that is 98% of America not so much.
No matter what graph you look at, which chart you notice, they all tell you the same thing: that REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH has already taken place; we actually live in a welfare state, not for the poor but for the wealthy.
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