Friday, April 8, 2011


They never intended to shut the government down…just trying to get a lot of expenditure cuts to slow down the recovery.

It doesn’t seem that the shutdown will happen, after all, the Republican-Teahadists will be bearing the brunt of the blame for it. A shutdown clearly would cost our nation billions of dollars and millions of jobs lost…but isn’t that precisely what the GOP wanted.

Suppose the Republicans had it planned that way all along; they attached all these ludicrous “riders” to a budget bill that has nothing to do with culture war issues. The straw that broke the camel’s back was defunding Planned Parenthood. It was so outrageous, so horribly callous and insensitive that the GOP knew all along the Democrats and the President would have a gut-wrenching reaction and would actually give up a lot more in terms of cuts in order to avoid the shutdown.

Isn’t it the same thing they did with the Extension of Unemployment benefits? I mean, they did hold the President hostage and forced him to agree to extend the much hated and unnecessary tax cuts for the very wealthy.

Which brings me to analyze the reasoning and motivation behind it; I think they played the President like a violin and the Democrats once more were taken for a ride; it could be as simple as another act of sabotage to slow down the recovery and throw a lot of people out of work so that the President looks bad and he is not re-elected. Could this be the answer? I kind of have my doubts about the sincerity of the Republican’s actions and I think that if they are sabotaging the President, they are also sabotaging the country and that in my book and I am sure in everyone else’s is totally despicable and odious.


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