Sunday, April 10, 2011


Give the illiterate what they want: a comic book style bible with pictures

As if the Scriptures were not fabricated enough and conjure up images of a wrathful God and all the outlandish fairy tales that are contained therein…they now have to add more imagery, more glitz, more superstition reinforcement by illustrating the Bible…or are they doing it to be able to sell it to these ignorant and illiterate people who really can’t read anything more advanced than a comic book?

The offer came in an e-mail and it says:

“The Almighty Bible: Genesis is a vividly illustrated, biblically faithful depiction of the amazing first book of the Bible. It includes The Garden of Eden, the Tower of Babel, Noah’s Ark, and other classic stories. Written and designed to appeal to all ages, this book is something young children can pick up and enjoy immediately. The inspirational words of the Bible are something the whole family can enjoy.”

Notice the use of the words Almighty (caps?) also vividly, faithful and inspirational…the only thing that inspired me to do when I saw this was to vomit.

Lastly; “IT IS GOOD FOR CHILDREN” – By all means, get them while they are young and impressionable, instill in them fear and superstition, brainwash them and they will be good followers and never will they be able to question or think for themselves.

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