Thursday, April 28, 2011

President Obama releases long form birth certificate

Because this one was not good enough for BIRTHERS

Will this silence them? Nah…they will continue to live in never-never land and since they despise the President so much they will find a way to object or otherwise through Donald Trump or Glenn Beck discredit the disclosure.

I think that it is a sad day in America when the President of the United States is subjected to this kind of baseless, crass and disingenuous scrutiny; IT IS AN INSULT and it is clear it is racially motivated and just as the efforts our President has made to work on a bipartisan, logical, pragmatic way with those who disagree with him and have thrown a wrench on any and all efforts on his part…this too will become a continuing nuisance because birthers will not believe anything even if you were to hit them across the face with a 2X 4.


Wed Apr 27, 2011

Obama releases long form birth certificate

By Joan McCarter

In the almost certainly futile attempt to put away once and for all questions about his birth, President Obama has released his long form birth certificate.

The President believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn’t good for the country. It may have been good politics and good TV, but it was bad for the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country. Therefore, the President directed his counsel to review the legal authority for seeking access to the long form certificate and to request on that basis that the Hawaii State Department of Health make an exception to release a copy of his long form birth certificate. They granted that exception in part because of the tremendous volume of requests they had been getting. President Barack Obama's long form birth certificate can be seen here (PDF).....

At a time of great consequence for this country—when we should be debating how we win the future, reduce our deficit, deal with high gas prices, and bring stability to the Middle East, Washington, DC, was once again distracted by a fake issue. The President’s hope is that with this step, we can move on to debating the bigger issues that matter to the American people and the future of the country.

Which is all true. But now that this fuel has been added to the flame, will it stop? Fat chance. From Think Progress, here's the headline from Fox News: "White House Releases What It Says Is The President’s Birth Certificate."

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