Saturday, April 23, 2011


Do you remember the color coded terrorist alert levels Bush put into place to scare people?

So that whenever there was an election in the near future the fucking thing would go from orange to yellow…just a way of reminding Americans how much better off they were with Bush as President…because Republicans defend us against terrorism much better than anybody else…

Some of them really believe this Armageddon scenario…after all they are fucking Fundamentalist-Evangelicals; but others are just milking that cow, exploiting people’s insecurities and applying the same concept that motivates people to follow some crazy ass religion: ACCEPT YOUR HARDSHIPS IN LIFE BECAUSE HEAVEN IS WAITING FOR YOU” So that when Republicans are now asking us to “SACRIFICE”, they are basically asking us to accept something less than acceptable, some kind of scheme to make us even more miserable…we see the direction they are taking; from Wisconsin’s Governor in his effort to decimate Labor Unions to their scorch the earth budget cut proposals where MEDICARE, MEDICAID and even SOCIAL SECURITY will not only be slashed but most likely obliterated. They are operating under the false premise that they want to balance budgets when in reality, what they aim to do is dismantle all social programs; some successful ones in place since FDR.

Last Monday, a new, hopefully less-complicated system will be in place here in New York and across the nation. On Monday, a new, hopefully less-complicated system will be in place here in New York and across the nation. Perhaps now we can deal with real threats and not created ones meant to scare the shit out of people so they vote Republican.

"We don't want people to live in fear," said Homeland Security Chairwoman Janet Napolitano. "we want people to live in a state of awareness and a state of alertness."


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