Saturday, April 9, 2011


Not in my lifetime…you will be rendered immediate sterilization by primitive means from your constituents.

I really dare them to try and somehow propose the end of a program that is successful and well administered by …yes, government which according to Republican-Teahadists is the problem and can’t do anything right.

Then there is SOCIAL SECURITY which is one thorn on the side of the Republicans as well because it reminds them that some social safety nets are necessary in any civilized society and they can only be run by the government…but of course that spells the ugly word for Republican-Tehadists: SOCIALISM.

I think that the Republican Teahadists are forgetting one very important concept: the very people who they are going after and will be negatively affected…they VOTE! So that by now, we have seen how Republicans have gone after Labor Unions, health care reform, nuclear armaments reduction, opposed humanitarian help to those being killed by their government in Libya, they have insisted in giving the very wealthy tax breaks that are costing us an arm and a leg until the Statue of Liberty can’t hold that book in her arm and has to stand on a wooden leg.

But Republican ideology has no limits, has no logic and it goes against the very grain of our spirit as Americans and as America itself as a great, compassionate and fair nation. The Republicans simply don’t care about the people affected nor do they care the harm they are doing to this country…but that is ok because WE MUST END THIS SOCIALIST TAKE OVER, WE HAVE TO PROTECT OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM FROM BEING SOCIALIZED AND WOULD HAVE HORRIBLE CONSEQUENCES…WE CAN’T GO AND HELP PREVENT GENOCIDE BECAUSE CONGRESS CAN ONLY DO THAT…the president would be a meaningless figure if republicans have it their way.

Medicare is next on their elimination agenda, then they will go after Social Security and who knows what is next. The party that is so opposed to BIG GOVERNMENT and GOVERNMENT CAN’T DO ANYTHING RIGHT are perfectly ok with using the government to codify and legalize discrimination targeting Blacks, Latinos and Gays. Furthermore, they want to have the power to govern the reproductive functions of women and have them relinquish their ownership of their uterus. Yes, the government’s only good function is to police our bedrooms, to make laws that discriminate and marginalize minorities and guess what is the most important role government has, according to Republican-Teahadists? You got that one right if you said give the super wealthy even wealthier, to give them tax cuts, to make sure that those big corporations don’t pay their fair share and even get refunds and subsidies…all paid for by the middle class and the poor…or preferably from loaned money from our adversaries.

Republicans begrudge a few thousand dollars given to a single mother or unemployment benefit extensions to a father head of a household and yet they have no problem with giving billions of dollars in tax cuts and subsidies to people and corporations that don’t need it and are doing quite well, thank you…without them…as this recovery has proven profitable for Wall Street and has not TRICKLED DOWN to the middle class and the poor.

Republicans, listen carefully, you keep painting yourself into a corner and all of us VOTE.

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