Republicans are going to accuse the President of being inflexible and he is anything but.
Don't these Republican-Teahadist read their tea leaves? Do they think they will tell the American public it is the fault of Democrats and particularly the President that the government had to be shut down? Don’t the Republican-Teahadist look at what is happening in Wisconsin and the opposition their crazy agenda has caused?
There is no doubt that while Democrats have stayed relatively in the center-left; the Republicans have gone all the way, balls to the wall in the direction of the right-conservative-Teahadist extreme. These are radicals that have come into the House of Representatives emboldened by what they think is a national mandate when what they are is just a reflexion of provincial, uneducated, misinformed and racist constituents. Just because the majorities in those districts the Teahadists represent hold the consensus is to shut down the government it does not mean that the rest of America thinks that way.It really makes no difference how pragmatic, how willing to compromise our President is...these right-wing radicals want to shut it down and are even cheering for it. It is blackmail of the most sordid and repugnant kind.
As E.J. Dionne: puts it:
“It is conservatives who would transform our government from a very modestly compassionate instrument into a machine dedicated to expanding existing privileges while doing as little as possible for the marginalized and the aspiring — those who, with a little help from government, might find it a bit easier to reach for better lives.
Moderation involves a balance between government and the private sector, between risk and security, between our respect for incentives and our desire for greater fairness. The war against moderation has begun. Will moderates join the battle?”
“So while libs can whine all they want about Obama's imperfections and so-called failures, the instant you turn it all around and look at the alternatives, and then hitch them to the current GOP-led House's plans to gut the budget and spew hate on women and gays, the arts and the poor, promote Islamophobia and kowtow to the rich, well, suddenly Obama shines all over again like the gleaming savior we all want him to be.”
Mark Morford tells us