Friday, April 8, 2011


A woman’s body is hers and hers alone, the government has no business in her vagina or her uterus.

With these Teahadist-Republicans holding the country hostage while attaching a “rider” bill to the budget they are pushing an agenda that is theirs alone, not for the majority of the American people. Sadly, the consequences are catastrophic for the nation and the denial of health services to women an affront on the female population of this country.

Ninety percent of the health care provided by Planned Parenthood health centers is designed to:

· prevent unintended pregnancies through contraception

· reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections through testing and treatment

· prevent cervical and other cancers through lifesaving screenings.

For those who are pregnant, Planned Parenthood provides

· pregnancy testing

· prenatal care

· abortion

· referral for adoption (select affiliates)

· midlife care helping women manage the effects of menopause (select affiliates)

That's a pretty radical agenda, there, keeping women, including pregnant women and their unborn children, healthy. Too icky for Republicans since it all involves women parts.

By the way, the Republicans aren't just defunding Planned Parenthood, they're taking federal funding away from all reproductive health services—including family planning—for all women's clinics. And none of that funding—none—pays for abortion. Only about a quarter of federal funds for family planning and women's healthcare go to Planned Parenthood, three-quarters goes to clinics in communities all over the country. And for many American women, those clinics are the only healthcare they have access to.

Planned Parenthood is many things to many people.

They are a trusted health care provider, an informed educator, a passionate advocate, and a global partner helping similar organizations around the world. Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide.

To me it is rather simple: if you don’t want an abortion, don’t have one; if you don’t want same sex marriage, don’t marry someone of your own sex…if you don’t like what I say, go on your merry way and you don’t have to listen to me. If you don’t like my religion or the lack of it then you can head over to that temple of ignorance and superstition that is yours; but you have absolutely no right to make the government stop functioning because legislators refuse to embrace your radical agenda based on an erroneous interpretation of the Scriptures and a general lack of compassion and concern for less fortunate people.

The budget is the budget…all about funding the function of our government and I realize that Teahadist-Republicans hate government; but issues of social nature have another arena, another time to be debated…it is totally perverse to push down the throats of the majority of American some concept and doing so by blackmail.


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