Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Don’t support fat cats, stop feeding them


If the super wealthy and the corporate MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (MOTUs) are so hell bent on destroying the middle class and establishing a repressive PLUTOCRACY; then we, the people, that remaining 98% of the not so rich majority of Americans need to do something to stop them.

I know it is not easy, we are fighting a formidable foe…and it is based on one of the strongest of human drives: GREED. It is hard to fight against it and it is not going to be a piece of cake to make them relinquish their ill gotten privileges. These are people who really believe that we, the “little guys” are here on earth to serve them and to bow to them.

What are the things we want and can do? Let’s take a look at some possibilities. I already have my own type of boycott against a few of them.

One: These people and corporations have money because we either give it to them or they take it.

Two: Politicians are there to serve us, not to serve the special interests…so vote accordingly and try not to either forget to check their voting record or who is endorsing them. One sure red flag is if their campaigns are funded by big corporate interests or their surrogates. Try your best to avoid voting Republican-Teahadist. Don’t ever forget we elected Obama President and a majority in the House and Senate; not the Koch Brothers or the CEO of Exxon.

Three: Don’t spend more than you have and don’t buy anything you don’t need. The time to keep up with the Jones is long gone. You don’t need to buy the things you don’t need to impress the people you don’t like.

Four: Cars are usually built on the concept of planned obsolescence and the pricier the tag the more you think you gain validation…you’ve arrived…and you’ve arrived in style in your brand new gas guzzling HUMMER. Avoid buying new cars and that goes for everything else…clothes, appliances, etc.

Five: Try to save some money and put it away for a rainy day or for your old age. After all, if the Republican-Teahadists have their way there will be no SOCIAL SECURITY for you to rely on. And above all else; don’t even try the Stock Market. I know from experience; I lost my pension and had to cash in my 401 which is now gone. The Stock Market wolves are just salivating at the prospect of privatizing Social Security so a few years down the road they can stage a market crash and keep your hard earned savings.

Six: Try to make do with less. I know it is not easy but it would not hurt you to turn that A/C a few degrees higher or your thermostat a bit lower to save on heat. Buy gas from independent gas stations and avoid the odious big ones like Shell, Exxon, Mobil, Texaco, BP to name a few. Deny them your patronage…and if you can, drive smart…run many errands in one outing by planning ahead a little bit. Take public transportation if possible and walk a little more it might even be beneficial for your health.

Seven: I know most of us live in cities and those who do not don’t have a lot of love for getting our hands dirty; but try to appreciate the pleasure of growing your own food if you can or at least buy it directly from those who grow it…Do FARMER’S MARKETS mean anything to you?

Eight: Don’t use credit cards. If you do, one might be enough as long as you pay it at the end of the month. Avoid those obscene interest rates that are eating you alive. For crying out loud, stop giving your money to Bank of America or Citi, Chase or other big ones when a local bank is probably better because they give you more personalized service and you don’t represent an account number…an empty, conglomeration of numerals that don’t have a face or feeling to the big banks.

Nine: If you have the chance try to get a UNION JOB or at the very least buy UNION LABEL and please, buy American made even if you pay a little more. Avoid The big chains like WalMart or Target. Particularly Wal-Mart because of all their contributions to extreme, radical right wing causes and politicians.

Ten: Stop listening to the right wing pundits. Turn off Fox and Rush; don’t give Sara Palin or Michelle Bachmann the time of day. Whenever possible sign petitions, support recall efforts to get those extremists back where they belong: the unemployment line…maybe then they will appreciate Unemployment Compensation.

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