Thursday, April 7, 2011


That has been the prevailing quest that has motivated me throughout my life.

So far I have failed miserably in this endeavor with the exception of having engendered two beautiful human beings. My daughters are a source of joy and I think that at least through them and within them I had enough influence and succeeded in imparting crucial and durable values.

But as for the rest of the society I live in I am afraid that I see how things get crazier and crazier, more unreasonable, less logical and uncivil. Vitriol being spewed from all sides; greed and superstition climbing to level highs…we live in a truly dysfunctional society.

On the one hand you have a very small number of individuals who own and control most of the wealth; on the other you have a very large segment of the population that is far too worried about “PLEASING THE LORD” so they can gain entrance to that imaginary and magical heaven of theirs. However, not realizing that what they are doing would utterly piss off the Creator. These Evangelical-Fundamentalists keep waddling in a mud puddle of ignorance and superstition.

Rampant racism, xenophobia, homophobia and an overall acceptance of a very askew ideology is tearing my country apart. The wealthy and the corporations are exploiting these rifts and encouraging even more division…one American pinned against the other, fighting among ourselves so that we are too busy worrying what side of a body of water a person was born in or whether you please the Lord if you insert a penis into a vagina. The ones with the means and the power know this and they are promoting and encouraging it…DIVIDE AND CONQUER

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