Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tunisian refugees fleeing their country - set fire to Italian island church - Video


Tunisian refugees have set on fire a church at Lampedusa Island, Italy. No details of this incident have yet been revealed.

For some days, the situation on the island has ben very tense. Local residents were unsatisfied by the torrent of Tunisian refugees, while the latter complained of poor accommodation conditions.

The church was set on fire after the priest had accommodated 36 teenage refugees in the parish.

Voice of Russia

150 North Africans missing as boat capsizes

Thing is that the Gaddafis were working with the Italians to stem the flow of immigrants ~ particularly to smaller islands ~ which quickly become overwhelmed ~ as well as the Italian coast line. High powered boats ~ were used by both sides to intercept these little dinghies and return people to the African coast. At times there were 700 a week landing in Malta or between Malta and Italy.

The dream of most North African youths are to come to Europe ~ there is this dream that there is a never ending supply of resources. But it is the southern countries in Europe ~ who are getting the most immigrants in Europe ~ fair the worst economically.

Most if they went to school at all would have spent half the week or more learning about Islam ~ everybody can't be an Imam ~ they must put this religion into a proper context.

More than 150 illegal migrants went missing in Italy after a ship with 200 refugees from North Africa capsized off Lampedusa Island.

47 people were rescued.

Lampedusa has seen an influx of migrants following unrest in a number of North African countries in recent months.

Most refugees come from Tunisia and Libya.

Voice of Russia

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