Friday, April 30, 2010
Quotes about the Knights of Malta
"The Knights of Malta are a Gentile, Roman, Freemasonic Order coming out of the Old Roman Empire, which was the collective power of the old world of Europe, cause Europe was dominated by Rome." — Jordan Maxwell; Basic Slideshow Presentation
"As the Knights of Malta, their official head is the Pope and their headquarters is in Rome. As the Knights of St John they are based in London and their official head is the King or Queen. The Catholic and Protestant wings are in fact the same organization at the highest level...
The Jesuits and the Knights of Malta are esoteric secret societies which hoard and use the secret knowledge while outwardly claiming to be Roman Catholic and ‘Christian.’" — David Icke; The Biggest Secret
"The Knights of Malta is held up by a backbone consisting of nobility. Nearly half of the 10,000 members belong to Europe's oldest and most powerful families. This cements the alliance between the Vatican and the "Black Nobility." The Black Nobility is mostly the rich and powerful of Europe. The head of the Black Nobility is the family that can claim direct descendancy from the last Roman emperor. Maybe now you can see that things are beginning to fall into their proper place. Membership in the Knights of Malta entails obedience to one's superior in THE ORDER and ultimately to the Pope. Therefore, a U.S. ambassador who is also a member of the Knights of Malta faces a conflict of interest. Why is this fact ignored? President Bush appointed Knight of Malta Thomas Melledy to the post of U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican." — Bill Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Cute Korea Girl Choi Ji Woo

Is Raelian Cult Signaling Illuminati Intentions?
For over 30 years, Rael Maitreya (left) has been the leader of a growing world movement known as Raelism - a self proclaimed 'atheist religion' claiming direct contact with invisible 'extraterrestrial beings' resembling Biblical 'fallen angels'.
My recent research has uncovered numerous personal connections between the leadership of this cult movement, and the top-level world elite - musicians, politicians, gate-keepers of capital, media and culture - several indicating a more than passing interest in fallen angels!
The group appears to be predicting some kind of alien-controlled Galactic World Government, centred in a temple, or extra-terrestrial "embassy", in Jerusalem: "The embassy will be built, and our parents from space will come..."
Russia says genetically modified foods are harmful
Stupid Fan Girls. #2
The TTs when Eenie Meenie was released!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
@JBSource interviews Justin Bieber!
Justin was really sweet to Ash for being shy!! Awww... LOL!
Oke.. lets stop talking and start watching!!
The hype for Eenie Meenie video release today!!

Bieber vs Glee
this is really happen ;
any glee fan here ? [yeah i am :)]
It will be great YAY!
The idea of having Justin Bieber guest star on Glee was brought up to the cast and it didn't sound like Matthew Morrison was on board! He said:
"I don't get this Bieber thing. I really don't get it. I hear he was in Australia and they kicked him out because he started a riot. I haven't even heard his music. I couldn't tell you one name of his songs — and I'm not lying about that!"
Get with it, Mr. Schuester!
but bad news for beliebers :((
arghh wth
its about Billaboard chart
My World 2.0 is failing two slots to #3
but :))
My World up two spots to #8
YAY !!
glee just hit #1
up && down and GLEE?
the power of Madonna?? how much the power its?
we got the power of BIEBERBLAST . which everlasting ^_^
Beautiful Bieber :)
i have a real good news about Bieber
Teen heartthrob Justin Bieber has managed to find his way onto People's Most Beautiful List for 2010, alongside such longtime fan-favorite superstars as Julia Roberts and Daniel Craig.
What makes Bieber so beautiful? Well, maybe it has something to do with his "swoosh" hairstyle. "I spend five minutes on it," he explained. "I use shampoo, conditioner — basically whatever is in the hotel — and blow-dry. It's part of my image. It's not who I am."
read more here
i love his hair. [hairflip is really smexy]
sometime i'm really jealous because i don't have hair just like him
but that not make me can't be belieber rite .
awww~even i have hair like him , i can't beat his smile :) forsure
SO REMEMBER! This is Bieber's World. You're Just Living In It !
p/s: if he just come to your country , please don't steal his hat :)


The Knights of Malta - The Short Course
- Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Knights of Malta, Chevaliers of Malta)
- The Knights Hospitaller
- Knights Templar (also the name of a high-level masonic degree) (The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta)
- Knights of Rhodes
- Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta
- Venerable Order of St. John
- Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta
George W. Bush
Jeb Bush
Precott Bush, Jr.
(Cardinal) Terence Cooke
Richard Holbrooke - Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan under the Obama administration
(Senator) Ted Kennedy
Henry A. Kissinger
George Pataki - former Governor of NY
David Rockefeller
Rick Santorum - former Senator of PA and professing Christian
Some Last Comments
As many of you know, I came out of the charismatic movement - the Word of Faith. I've read one of Rick Joyner's books and have listened to many of his prophetic teachers who support his ministry. My intention is not to point my finger at Charismatics and show them the error of their ways. I would, however, like to question some of the things being done in the prophetic movement.
When I read that the Rosicrucian dogma is used in the initiation of the Knights of Malta, you have to wonder where Joyner's prophetic gifts are coming from. Their ability to speak to angels/spirits (forbidden in Scripture), their ability to spontaneously see into the future at will (fortune telling) and see into someones past, and some of the weird manifestations of the Spirit I would even have a hard time doing when I was still involved in the church - you gotta wonder! It's not much different than what the mystical stuff the Rosicrucians are doing...Gnostic at best!
I believe wholeheartedly that the majority of the people involved in this love Jesus entirely, so they need our prayer. I doubt that most Joyner followers know what the Knights of Malta are involved with, and believe what they are told. I do believe that unless many of them wake up before it's too late, they will be instrumental in bringing down the denominational churches that don't agree with ecumenism, all in the name of the Lord Jesus.


Justin Bieber In NZ
New Zealand arrival video under! Emah Hira Matiu, 17, drove from Hamilton to the airport to steal Justin Bieber's hat and she won't give it back unless she get a hug. The thief said she grabbed it off his head when he arrived at Auckland Airport last night and then ran out of the airport with her friend Beki..
..Diamond, 16, before anyone could stop her. 'We just ran and ran and ran.. before I died of exhaustion. Technically we should be at school. We tweeted at Justin, everything, just to let Justin know. If he doesn't reply I'm gonna keep it for ever and ever and ever and ever. We pretty much stalked him.' Police said Matiu could face a theft charge if Bieber laid a complaint.
Fan Craze
M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.
Romain Gavras is a pretty awesome video director. Certainly a man who does not do anything by halves and I imagine is quite intense. Also responsible for the Justice - Stress video - which I found made me not want to go to London for a while - he is a man of great talents.
On a different note... YEY! M.I.A. is back! I properly think she is a role model.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Stupid Fan Girls.
Justin Bieber arrived late last night in New Zealand, and is surrounded by 1000+ fans. he tries to take pictures and sign autographs for fans but they are too un-undercontrol so the sercuity stop him. while he was trying to walk through the airport YOU GIRLS TRIP HIS MOM, CAUSING HER TO FALL ON HER FACE. And while they helped her up YOU JACKED HIS HAT!
And now your smiling about it?! what is your problem?
you know justin loves his purple hats, he even said on his twitter he was sad “someone” stole his hat.
Hit-Girl have Bieber Fever??
*Giggles* "I have Bieber Fever" *LOL and blushed*
Hahaha!! she soooo adorable.. its cute the way she said it. And she's definately a Belieber coz she does spam Justin to follow her!! She's funny in person. Gotta love this girl~
Here's the interview!
Haha!! Cute right? She looked younger and smaller in the movies. I was surprised to see how tall she is~ Haha!! Well if you're curious about the tweets she send out to Justin.. U dont have to search.. I got it here for u!

This is the SPAM that she was talking about on the interview! LOL!

Wearing Supra coz of Justin?? Maybe~ When u have Bieber Fever.. Why not..
Do you guys think that Justin knows about Chloe?? Well.. I think he knows.. Why?? Well coz Dan Kanter(Justin Guitarist) tweeted to Chloe about watching her on Ellen. Its wayyyyy too impossible that Dan won't be telling it to Justin right?? So Chloe.. If u happen to read this.. I think u have a chance on getting followed/reply/DM from him! Even better.. Meeting him one day!
Here is Dan's tweet to Chloe!!

Leave a comment and tell us what u think!
Follow me!
Joel's Army - A Template for Warfare
(YouTube link)
Joel's Army - Civil War in the Church
~This is the greatest time of expectation in the history of Christianity- reconciliation and renewal are taking place everywhere and the church is growing at 200,000 people a day.
~There is an advance of ecumenism and the breaking down of denominational barriers (including Catholic/Protestant) thanks to Christian TV.
~Satan is about to test the church’s new unity.
~In 1988, 1993, 1995 and Feb 1996, Joyner was shown that the church is headed for an inevitable spiritual civil war.
~It will be “an opportunity to drive the accuser out of the church, for the church then to come into a unity that would otherwise be impossible.”
~“[It will be] the end of Christianity as we know it. The very definition of Christianity will be changed, for the better.”
~“The church that emerges will be full of unprecedented grace, truth and power.”
~The conflict will be extremely costly and prolonged.
~The primary issue (as with the American Civil War) at stake will be the eradication of “the spiritual slavery and oppression now existing in much of the church.”
~“Nearly half the believers in the world today are held under a spiritual ‘plantation mentality’” with leaders seeking only to build and preserve their own empires.
~“Satan’s ’strand of three cords’ (the control spirit, the political spirit and the religious spirit) by which he is yoking multitudes of believers, must be confronted and removed from our midst.” Then the church may “come into her ultimate glory.”
~Much of the church uses “guilt, pressure, manipulation and control to compel men to do what we think they should do.” We must “remove the cancer from our midst.”
~A major factor in the Christian Civil War will be strife over money.
~Another will be tradition/ a religious spirit/ Pharisaism vs. what God is currently doing. “The more anointed a new movement is, the more these traditionalists will be threatened by it, and the more vehemently they will attack it.”
~Some of those who oppose denominations will nevertheless keep others in fear and bondage to their own self-will.
~There will be a fight between the true unity we have in Christ and the false unity of political expediency, tradition, way of life, etc.
~The conflict will be between Christians who are heavenly-minded/ Spirit-led (Blues) and intellectual/ Mind-led (Grays).
~The only way for true unity to occur is to rout the forces of spiritual slavery and oppression.
~Unity and peace must be based on truth.
~Many will fight simply out of loyalty for their organisation or denomination, not through true conviction.
~There will appear to be a “total meltdown of Christianity [which] will result in one of her greatest victories … This will cause the Lord’s champions to ascend the mountain into higher realms of the Spirit than they have gone before. As they do, Faith, Hope and Charity will be revealed, and seen from even greater distances than would have otherwise been possible.
~“The black church … will be the primary force to bring about the ultimate victory,” despite attacks from Satan and Islam. After the war, there will be no white or black church.
~“There will be an entirely new definition of Christianity, which the Lord Jesus Himself has already written. The world will know us by our love.”
~There will be a New Breed of Spiritual Leaders, who will fight for the Blues. They may not initially be appreciated.
~The Blues will be fighting for the liberation of the Grays, not to destroy them. “We are not fighting against people, but the forces that deceive and bind them.”
~Those who will not comply must be removed from their place of influence. “These can be distinguished by their attempts to spy out our liberty and yoke the church with bondage, or sow the doctrines the Scriptures call leaven.”
~“All the movements that are working to bring about the unity of the church really have been sent by God … .We must do all that we can to strengthen every relationship, and reconcile with all those that we can.”
~We must “strengthen the essential truths of our faith, within ourselves”, without compromise, and not follow organizations for their own sake.
~We need to “judge ourselves, lest we be judged,” casting out any spirit of control in us.
The goal of the Kansas City Prophets, Joel’s Army, TheCall, and other little groups and movements (like the Seven Mountain Mandate) is to take over local churches, denominations, and individuals. Does this not sound familiar to anyone else?
New Zealand :)

Following the cancellation of the pop phenom's only public show in Australia, the star was greeted by hundreds of screaming fans when he arrived in New Zealand.
According to The New Zealand Herald, about 500 fans met the teen heartthrob's arrival with "excited screams and shrieks" Tuesday night (April 27) local time at Auckland International Airport.
Many fans had waited for four hours until he touched down.
On the heels of Bieber's canceled show in Sydney, airport officials beefed up security to ensure safety.
The Herald also reported that security has been increased at the singer's hotel and performance venue, South Auckland's Academic Colleges Group Strathallen school.
Bieber is scheduled to be in New Zealand for only one day.
Despite the hysteria, the star seems to be enjoying his time Down Under.
before steal

it's look hard
hat stolen.knock down :((
but go bieber :))
your fans really crazy for you
Eenie Meenie Miny Mo

can't wait this :))
we will post the video
so keep updates guy
or you u can watch it yourself on youtube .
Justin Beiber ft The Game ??
But the New York MC has finally had something nice to say about someone with his recent comments on Usher’s protégé, Justin Bieber.
The Game said in a recent interview: “I like the kid. I seen him perform. He’s a livewire. He gets it done. He’s another artist that breaks the colour lines. I love when people come along and they do that. Everybody loves this kid and he seems like a good kid. More power to him.”
Justin Beiber ft The Game, we can see it already!
who is The Game --> check him out <---
another story :)
Nick Jonas dished to J-14 that he and his brothers have a nickname for Justin Bieber.
According to the Jonas Brothers, there’s only room for one JB on the block. Nick said: ‘Bustin Jieber, that’s what we call him!’.
Nickname because they are jealous? ‘Justin’s a good person.
I’ve met him a couple times. He’s a really nice person!’
many celeb got the bieber fever .
justin bieber really a virus
amazing virus
Joel's Army - It's All About Unity
"...the Revelation of the Prophetic Movement and the relational networking of the Apostolic Reformation shall all merge together into a tidal wave that will eclipse the impact of reformation of 500 years ago and create what could be called The Great Revolution.
"The Lord will give the church an opportunity to re-write her stained and spotted history. Radical deeds of identificational repentance, acts of mercy to the poor and the oppressed, presence and power encounters to the sick and the demonized, warrior praise and intercession arising over cities will mount as a Revolution comes upon the global body of Christ and creating a great societal awakening! If history books are written of the years that lie ahead, they might be termed The Days of His Glorious Presence." [1]
". . .Some pastors and leaders who continue to resist this tide of unity will be removed from their place. Some will become so hardened they will become opposers and resist God to the end. Most will be changed and will repent of their resistance. . . . There will be many 'stumbling blocks' circulating in the Church that will cause confusion and some destruction from time to time. They will perceive themselves as prophets sent to judge and deliver. Those serving in leadership must trust their discernment and remove the stumbling blocks.
"To be distinguished from the 'stumbling blocks,' a great company of prophets, teachers, pastors and apostles will be raised up with the spirit of Phinehas. Just as the son of Eleazar could not tolerate iniquity in the camp of the Lord, this 'ministry of Phinehas' will save congregations, and at times even whole nations from the plagues that will be sweeping the earth. They will be moved by the jealousy of the Lord for the purity of His people. They will be sent to save and preserve the work of the Lord, not tear down, as the stumbling blocks do. . . Huge masses of people will be streaming to the Lord, the inflow so great in places that very young Christians will be pastoring large bodies of believers. Arenas and stadiums will overflow nightly as the believers come together to hear the apostles and teachers.
". . .Extraordinary miracles will be common while those considered great today will be performed almost without notice by young believers. Angelic appearances will be common to the saints and a visible glory of the Lord will appear upon some for extended periods of time as power flows through them. . . .Those in leadership will be the most humble of all. When anyone presumes leadership without calling, it will be apparent to all. "This harvest will be so great that no one will look back at the early Church as a standard; all will be saying that the Lord has certainly saved His best wine for last. The early Church was a firstfruits offering; truly this will be a harvest! It was said of the Apostle Paul that he was turning the world upside down; it will be said of the apostles soon to be anointed that they have turned an upside down world right side up. Nations will tremble at the mention of their name. . ." [4]
Some People Involved in the Movement
Rick Joyner - MorningStar Ministries
Bob Jones & Mike Bickle
Bob Beckett of The Dwelling Place Family Church in San Jacinto, California.
Dutch Sheets - Pastor of a Vineyard Church and author.
Paul Cain - former second-in-command to William Branham
Jack Deere (former chief theologian for the Vineyard), John Eckhardt, Kingsley Fletcher, Ted Haggard, Bill Hamon, Cindy Jacobs, Jim Laffoon, Chuck Pierce, and Barbara Yoder
George Otis Jr.
Michael Pierce - runs the "Christ For Your City" ministries out of London Ontario. John Dawson - is director of Youth With a Mission (YWAM) in Los Angeles, California.
Peter C. Wagner - Wagner's World Prayer Center
Cindy Jacobs - Involved with the Generals of Intercessions and Peter Wagner's Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders.
Ed Silvoso - Director of Harvest Evangelism
It is my belief that the Dominionist theology comes from the Jesuits within the Knights of Malta, which Rick Joyner is a member. Being part of the Freemasons, it would explain the militant overtones it has. Tomorrow, I'll talk more about the Knights of Malta.
(YouTube link)