I think I know the answer to that. May I offer it to you? You are angry for many reasons; ranging from your own helplessness to exact any change in your Government to your perceived embattled status within society. You are basically worried that they “are taking away your America”. It is a common fear, one that those who really don’t have anything and wish they did have something fear most. You are at the bottom of the food chain in this country and you see others…very different than yourself getting ahead…America is not WASPH any more (White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Heterosexual) and that bothers you terribly…you are basically distrustful of those who are different and you hate this diversity bull shit; don’t you? You see a very educated man in the White House and that just pisses you off to no end.
Also, you know deep down that you understand so little how government works and how the economy is run. Because of your own ignorance you distrust government and you believe the nice man who comes down from somewhere to help organize those protests and rallies…that nice man gives you a little speech that may go like this: We have to protect our freedom…we have to defend our Constitution, we have to secure the future of our children; we have to stop this SOCIALIST take over; we have to, we have to, and you just repeat those empty words that to you are meaningful…yet the nice man does not go beyond that…he does not explain anything else to you; like what if any are the ideas that he has to improve the system or if there are solutions that could be instituted. No, the nice man doesn’t even know that himself because he has no fucking idea either…he knows that there is a paycheck at the end of the rally and that may very well come from the Koch brothers or from Fox. So he doesn’t care what you really think…or rather he knows you don’t really think. He is using you
and your are but a pawn in the greater scheme of things.
And then you go out there and participate in a protest…you tell some news reporter that “Washington is not listening” that you are ready to take up arms if necessary if your Tea Bag Party doesn’t get their candidates elected. Listen douche bag…do you know why Washington or anybody else for that matter is not listening? It is because you have nothing to say…you are meaningless, you are doing this because you need validation and even realize the dream of your fifteen minutes of fame which have been denied to you because you didn’t even finished the seventh grade. Your signs say "Get a brain!" and you don't have one moron. (brain moran???)
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