Saturday, February 12, 2011

Apple does not send laptops but increases production, rumors of a MacBook Air with Sandy Bridge in June

Sending signals indicate evidence of a renewal of the range Apple laptop soon. An anonymous source has informed us that the Cupertino company has simply stopped sending more portable and stores no longer have to receive more units, indicating that this often happens when new models are coming.

To this is added that while shipments of Apple's stock is reduced while increasing production, leading to bend on some models. And if that was not enough, there are signs that Intel's Sandy Bridge platform could reach the MacBook Air in June, increasing the frequency of updates on your computer brand lighter. With all the sales you've had the new model, no wonder.

We are all waiting for Apple to announce a presentation, but also might suddenly close the online shop and we meet with the new models completely by surprise. There will be attentive Tuesday, favorite day of the company to give us good news.

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