Thursday, February 10, 2011


And the beat goes on…men keep marching off to wars so that the merchants of death and misery can keep getting richer.

Throughout the history of mankind there has always existed the traditional conflict of one Alpha male’s attempt to dominate the others in the pack; it is present in many other species of animals and mankind is no exception. It is obvious how a dominant male/female would want to safeguard this privileged position in the tribe…it brings with it a lot of benefits and life is relatively easier for those on top of the pecking order…with the few exceptions of when that dominance is questioned or challenged.

The beneficiaries of this chain of command get a lot of the spoils of war or the conflict that his/her subordinates bring. If it is food for example; the Alpha character gets the first bite and the choice of the tenderest parts of the catch…the morsels reserved for him and while he eats all the others at the bottom wait patiently. It extends also to housing and the partaking of females for the purpose of procreation. The Alpha male has to ensure his perpetuity through his offspring by jealously guarding against the impregnation of any female under his rule. He has first choice of any available females and even if they are not available he makes sure that they will become available by either killing his adversary or the offspring that keeps the female from ovulating. This is rarely seen in man but it is present in many mammals.

How does this translate into the behavior of those on top of the feeding chain in our society today? Very simple: these are the equivalent of the Alpha male that gets to rule the rest of the clan, he is privileged and is the “boss” and his position can’t be questioned or challenged as there are built in laws and regulations as well as public consensus that protect the interests of this dominant individual.

Because man is rational, thinking animal the Alpha males no longer have to do the physical fighting when challenged…he has other surrogates that do it for him; that is why armies exist. A sophisticated society has already established a set of rules to protect those on top of the feeding chain. But this of course is not without conflict…as the masses become enslaved and the other Alpha males within their ranks demand a piece of the pie; the authority and dominance of the ruling elite is questioned and challenged…thus the birth of DEMOCRACY first seen as an anomaly in ancient Greece and now a lot more common as populism has empowered those at the bottom to effectively and successfully challenge the magnanimity of the ruling elite.

There are rituals and curious demonstrations of the behavior of the human Alpha Male. Those who are not in the top of the food chain have to constantly be on display, to flaunt their masculinity because it is left by chance that at any given moment anyone with a vagina (or in some cases a receptive male anus) could be a potential mate…and after all; who among the plebeians would not give their right tit to be injected with the semen emanating from such magnificent male specimens in order to perpetuate the Alpha Male seed?

Throughout history since the beginning of civilization we have seen the demonstration of these Alpha male’s dominance; harems and polygamy were but a demonstration of the acceptance of their prowess. You had the Chinese with many wives and concubines, the Arabs with harems and the Mormons more recently with multiple wives. It is all part of the scheme, part of the Alpha male’s interests being preserved and defended.

Haiti’s Papa Doc and Baby Doc Duvalier

But make no mistake about it, some of these on the top are not even Alpha males, they are for the most part the offspring of privileged individuals who were able to climb to the top and pass on the wealth and power to his offspring. That is why you see dictators passing on the reins of government to their sons…that is the reason for inheritance protection (now being jealously defended by Republicans with their no estate tax bullshit) and that is also why we have seen a resurgence in the suppression of meritocracy…it is just not convenient to those at the top to have individuals from the masses rise to the top of the food chain and challenge the ruling elite.

Buildings and castles, public works and monuments have traditionally been the demonstration of the Alpha male’s dominance in humans…they are known by the structures they erect, how magnificent, how luxurious, elaborate or otherwise impressive.

That could possibly explain why the Republicans are science deniers, public education foes, religious fanaticism promoters and providing the masses with insignificant moral minutia to keep them occupied and worried as is the case with morality and sexual orientation, abortion and gun control. While all these battles are being fought, the ruling elite has a reprieve from challenge and is able to exploit these masses indefinitely…that is why countries go to war, that is the reason for xenophobia and homophobia being legislated into the governing laws.

The Daily Kos recently had a very interesting and informative post on precisely this and I like to quote some of it for you:

“The industrialized world has built much of its wealth off the theft, enslavement, and exploitation of less militarily powerful people. The Age of Colonialism and Imperialism couldn't last forever, but in many places it was replaced by but the Age of Neo-Colonialism and Neo-Imperialism, which in some ways was less messy for those reaping the financial rewards. Occupation and the garrisoning of military personnel could be outsourced to locals, with the extra added bonus of further enriching the arms merchants, often by a process of ostensible foreign aid which was, in reality, just recycled back to the home land as corporate welfare disguised as arms purchases. The war profiteers didn't even need wars, and local despots had shiny new toys with which to keep themselves in power and their people under constant threat of violent and torturous repression. As others have pointed out, the tear gas canisters used in Cairo, the tanks rumbling through its streets, and the military jets thundering in its skies, all were made in America. To some, no doubt, this is cause for patriotic rejoicing.”



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