Monday, February 7, 2011

iPhone 4 Verizon and jailbreak

They arrived the first iPhone 4 Verizon users who had performed the first pre-orders. No time to open the box and now it comes to jailbreak.

The folks at Cult of Mac reassure the various users who are waiting for the iPhone Verizon, and still do not have the certainty that their new iDevice will jailbreak as that of AT & T.

In fact it seems that the new iPhone by Apple has achieved for the other U.S. mobile operator will be unlocked with the latest release of Greepoison , thanks to iOS 4.2.6.

With the future release of IOS 4.3 everything will be back in the game and the hacker will have to go back to work for weeks and weeks, trying to find a new flaw in the new mobile operating system of apple .

So many Verizon users are warned: you just made the jailbreak and not updated for future 4.3 version of IOS.

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