Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The iPod Classic also scarce in the stores: renewal or ultimate death?

More data arrive from Japan, and also involving the shortage of units of a product from Apple: The iPod Classic. The more traditional player apple bite mark has experienced increases in their delivery times lately: the normal 24 hours after three days, while in stores like Best Buy orders for this model have been delayed or up two weeks. Amazon delay orders up to a month and even some Apple Premium Resellers in the United States there is simply no stock.

It is a strange time for this to happen because Apple usually updates their iPod in late summer. Anyway we must remember that while Steve Jobs said it will update the entire range of iPods did not pay any attention to the Classic (the last renovation was in the keynote September 2009), and now may be witnessing the proximity of a change .

We are faced with two possible conclusions to this, or you may receive a new iPod Classic soon (they suggest a new Toshiba hard drives that would go perfect in these new models) or just maybe Apple has decided to do away with the last iPod to use a disk mechanical drive. While available, if collector myself I would try one of these models.

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