Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nintendo concerned about the policy of the App Store

Reggie Fils-Aime, head of Nintendo America, shared with the world its concerns about the App Store and the future of portable gaming. According to the words of Reggie on Apple's business model could lead consumers to believe that all portable games should cost little.

In a sense it is true. It is clear that the minimum cost of € 0.79 app for Apple has become probably the most used on the store, while other games do not cost much more than a certain level.

Reggie is concerned that Apple will push customers to see the games as the portable and disposable. On the other hand, it is difficult to deny that he is right, and it is likely that the policy will affect mainly Cupertino Nintendo more than Sony and Microsoft. While all three companies are now turning to a more casual market, which Nintendo has obviously failed, thanks to its latest console, to break the heart of non-hardcore gamers.

Reggie is not so much to worry about competition with 3DS (indeed, thanks to the screen twice and three-dimensional display of the new Nintendo console would offer something very different) as the influence on bond prices.

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