Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nokia admits, "Our platform is burning"

Engadget has come into possession of some internal communications at Nokia, released from its CEO Stephen Elop. From the documents show any concern for the future of society and the increased competition from Apple and Android.

Elop says that Nokia is a platform on fire and that we must immediately change course:
"Nokia is the burning platform and we have to decide how to change our behavior. There are more avenues and there is an intense heat coming from competitors, faster than we expected. Apple has moved the market, redefining the smartphone and attracting developers to a closed system, but very powerful. Android is constantly evolving and its growth is incredible. "

Communication is very long and we talk about the market in general, the decline in sales of Nokia, the possible new hardware and software and support to developers.

On 11 February, in addition, Elop will present important new Nokia ecosystem.

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