Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nokia E7 is the winning horse of Nokia in 2011

Nokia has received a warm welcome to our pages from the time we present you the price and availability of Nokia E7, many comments for and against a telephone call to be important, but some did not expect much.

No doubt it will work well, the Nokia E7 is a phone with great design and operators will fight for him, but then to choose the Nokia itself as the most trusted phone sales in question, there is a distance. This is the most important terminal for the year 2011, according to Reuters collects statements:

"The E7 is by far the MOST important model for us this year When looking at sales Expectations," Ukko Lappalainen, Nokia VP

As I see it see it as a telephone company occupies a market niche that also appeal to the general public, but I do not think a phone with QWERTY keyboard above 500 euro is the most appropriate for your interests Nokia.

The second conclusion we can draw from the statements is that the expected MeeGo phone is behind Nokia E7, and there are no particularly high expectations placed on him, or that appear so late in 2011 that are not worth comparing results between terminals.

Symbian and had to choose the winning horse, I find it strange that the phone is the most important Nokia N8, it seems a more appropriate model for the general public that the E7 and probably have time to drop in price during 2011.

Updated: OscarB points us in the comments to the manager of Nokia sentence is missing an important tag line, ".. in the business sector, so important journalists seem to act as Eldar Murtazin, but until Nokia itself belies this information, we will remain in the statements of Reuters.

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