Monday, February 7, 2011

Nokia would prepare a big bang

A few days before the presentation by Stephen Elop, CEO of Microsoft came in September, a whole new strategy for the group, several senior officials from Nokia would be in the spotlight. According to a German site this weekend, half the board would be renewed, and among a majority of Finnish runners attached to the previous direction. 

The head of mobile division, the logistics or the head of the division and mobile services would pay for this wide reorganization. The Wall Street Journal says that headhunters have been commissioned to recruit new people, especially the U.S. market where Nokia has all the trouble to get a place. Three possible rulers have been proposed, but the final choice would await the presentation of the new direction of Nokia. 

Stephen Elop the unveiling on Friday at a conference in front of analysts (two days before the opening of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona). An appointment where the rumor suggests the announcement of an alliance with Microsoft to use Windows Phone 7. 

Elop was clear on the fact that Nokia should get back in running order, during the presentation of results for the fourth quarter, "Nokia is facing significant challenges to its competitiveness and performance. In short, the industry has changed, and it is time for Nokia to change more quickly. "

On the quarter Nokia had sold 23.8 million smartphones against 20.8 million a year earlier. But his presence in this segment only decline from a year of 40% to 31%.

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