Thursday, March 31, 2011

Internationalists Renew Call for a North American Union

(The New American) One of the most dangerous and pressing threats to American sovereignty is the proposed creation of the North American Union, a European Union-style amalgamation of the United States, Canada, and Mexico into a borderless, unified continental body. In the United States, one of the main proponents of the NAU has been former President George W. Bush, whose policy of open borders and a lenient approach to immigration is indicative of his desire to erase national borders, under the guise of a “Security, Peace, and Prosperity Partnership of North America.”

While many pundits on the left, such as MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, falsely claim that constitutionalists and patriotic Americans are paranoid, and that their warnings about the threats of the erosion of American sovereignty are unfounded conspiracy theories, the objective evidence clearly indicates that a European Union-style confederation is a desired policy goal in the works among globalist elites. (Read more)

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