Thursday, March 10, 2011


President Obama was such a good Socialist-Marxist that he confiscated Wall Street firms, nationalized banks and took over automobile manufacturers. NOT!

That is why I cringe every time I hear one of these Teahadists accuse our President of being a SOCIALIST. Heaven forbid! Or that he was actually born in Kenya…Perish the thought! Or even that the President is a Muslim…How un-Christian; why we all know that we have freedom of religion in America and Muslims are not Christians therefore they are not to have freedom of religion like the rest of us.

Would it really matter if he was a Muslim? I ask this because in the past we also had a glass ceiling for the President: he could not be Catholic or Jewish. Kennedy shattered that ceiling as well as the misconception that existed then that he would answer to the Pope and not to the American people.

Once more we hear all these would-be Presidential candidates flaunting their purity and their remarkable CHRISTIAN FAITH in order to get those at the base to get him/her nominated. It has become a litmus test for Republicans, the more Christian you are, the better for the Evangelical-Fundamentalist base.

Now in Congress there have been scheduled a hearing of sorts; a witch hunt type of odious, divisive and insulting effort to investigate Muslim Americans. I can’t think of anything more McCarthy like, nothing more injurious and discriminatory than this exercise in xenophobia. I think that somebody should remind the Republican dominated Congress of the Japanese detention camps and how un-American they were.

With the events in Wisconsin where the Governor just rammed through a legislation meant to decimate Labor Unions bypassing all conventional legal legislative processes…I am certain that the Republicans will stop at nothing to implement their agenda…and if they can’t do it by legal means they will resort to dirty tactics, shady politics, lies, injurious attacks and even unconstitutional actions. That is why I took Sharon Angle’s Second Amendment Option seriously…I know that if the Republicans don’t get what they want through democratic elections they will then resort to armed conflict.

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