Monday, April 18, 2011

Appears Pakistani-American girl has escaped arranged marriage - Police on the hunt - Video

The US was so arrogant ~ in the claim that their Muslims were somehow better well adjusted than Europe's ~ because they are a nation of immigrants!!

I honestly hope this little girl is alright ~ she is still young.

This is the reason why Muslim families don't want to integrate. They then have to take this integrated child ~ especially a girl and convince her ~ that marriage to some cousin or other ~ from back in the old country is the best thing for the rest of her life. Of course it is a dishonor when they refuse ~ as we are not only dealing with a refusal of marriage, as if they were in Pakistan ~ this is also about facilitating immigration ~ an added reason for seeing their sense of pride ~ in their commodity ~ damaged.

One Muslim girl in the UK ~ who also escaped from such marriage plans ~ said that when her father looked at his three daughters ~ he saw three passports.

The same things are happening in the US as have happened in Europe ~ and next they are going to end up with a hold lot of unassailable Muslims demanding Shari'a ~ to satisfy their religious beliefs.

But in Europe ~ an increasing number of countries are placing restrictions on these marriages. Should a 16 year old girl be flung into marriage to a strange man ~ cousin or not ~ from a strange culture. Allowing this is criminal. And should be in violation of the rights of a child.

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