Sunday, April 17, 2011

British company that admits it would tolerate a burqa, dismisses man for small cross on dashboard of company vehicle

This is the new inclusiveness ~ exclude all that is Christian!!

That's the thing you can't make allowances for Muslims and then tell everyone else that they should not have similar.

These are the extreme policies of the former UK government ~ acting apparently to help Muslims ~ were in actual fact creating an Islamic state. In an Islamic state only things to do with Islam are allowed visibility and given backing by the law. Thank God for the ballot box!! Imagine religion and socialism ~ they were almost destined to get it wrong. The sledgehammer and crescent approach.

And one of [the company's] officials told Mr Atkinson’s union representative that it would tolerate a Muslim female employee in a burka in its official colours.

In a Christian country, or one that was until recently Christian, this alleged neutrality is nothing of the sort. In practice it means a systematic and repeated harassment of Christians for failing to realise that their faith has been replaced by an aggressive state multiculturalism...

When on Palm Sunday itself an honest man is being hounded for quietly affirming his faith with a palm cross, it begins to look like persecution.

Be as diverse as you like as you like, but not Christian

The smiley slogan of our vast public sector is ‘Equality and Diversity’. At first sight, it seems hard to object to such aims. Who would favour inequality and intolerance?

But things are not always as they seem, and words do not always mean what they appear to. For it is under this very motto that a strange and disturbing campaign against the Christian faith has recently burst into the open.

Electrician Colin Atkinson was told to remove a palm cross from the dashboard of his van

A teacher, a registrar, a nurse, an airline worker, guest-house owners and would-be foster parents have all fallen foul of it, not to mention numerous preachers. And in each of these cases it is clear that Christianity alone has been selected for this treatment.

It is impossible to imagine the same forces being deployed against non-Christian faiths in identical positions.

And now we have the case of Colin Atkinson, an electrician who displays an eight-inch palm cross on the dashboard of his employers’ van.

He has been instructed by those employers – who are in the vast, semi-detached segment of the public sector that is accountable to nobody – to remove it or face disciplinary action.

They say that the cross may ‘offend’ people, or suggest that the organisation is Christian. It is hard to imagine what sort of person would or could be offended by an eight-inch palm cross inside someone else’s vehicle.

As for Wakefield and District Housing being Christian, how can it object to that? Its very existence as a provider of shelter to the needy is based on Christian thought. But it is beyond ridiculous to claim that Mr Atkinson’s strip of dried palm-leaf proclaims a corporate Christian affiliation.

The association claims to have a ‘stance of neutrality’. Yet it subscribes to all the tenets of political correctness. And one of its officials told Mr Atkinson’s union representative that it would tolerate a Muslim female employee in a burka in its official colours.

In a Christian country, or one that was until recently Christian, this alleged neutrality is nothing of the sort. In practice it means a systematic and repeated harassment of Christians for failing to realise that their faith has been replaced by an aggressive state multiculturalism, allied with sexual liberation.

When on Palm Sunday itself an honest man is being hounded for quietly affirming his faith with a palm cross, it begins to look like persecution.

Daily Mail

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