Friday, April 15, 2011

GOP Budget Plan to Cut Medicaid and Medicare

Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin unveiled the fiscal 2012 budget at a packed press conference where he was flanked by Republican members of the budget panel. The proposal comes amid growing concern over the federal budget deficit and is part of an overall GOP effort to reduce federal spending by at least $5 trillion over the coming decade.

Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.

It wouldn’t even cover for one month of medical expenses for many of us with serious illnesses.

I don’t know if Republican-Teahadists have just crawled from under a rock or landed here on earth from some far away galaxy; but their Medicare proposal is totally ridiculous and heartless. Imagine if we gave each senior a voucher coupon for $6,000 to cover for their medical expenses…half of it would be eaten up by the parasite insurance companies…if those seniors are astute enough and lucky enough to find some insurance outfit that would accept them…then what is left would be to pay for the deductibles and so forth…but if you can’t find an insurance company to insure you…you are out of luck “SO BE IT” as Speaker Boehner would say.

For some of us that miserly voucher could only cover half of a month of chemotherapy or for others with serious illnesses they would actually be handed down a death sentence…DEATH PANELS anyone?

For some of us in need of chemotherapy the picture is grimmer; considering that these drugs often cost much more than older, more common chemotherapy treatments. These newer drugs, like Oxaliplatin and Irinotecan, can cost $10,000 or more for a course of treatment, according to (Can you repeat after me: REPUBLICAN DEATH PANELS?)

How can we lower the cost of healthcare in America” We must, we have to, it is imperative that we have UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE and take the insurance companies out of the equation. After all, insurance companies do not provide any service, take any risks or perform any useful function that would enhance health care…on the contrary; the insurance companies are parasites that only exist to skim off the profits and add to the cost. Why don’t we pay for the services of those that really matter and perform a function in our treatments and well being…like doctors, nurses and even hospitals…Oh, what a concept…to actually give money to the people who actually work for us!

Read more: The Average Cost of Chemotherapy |


Congressional Budget Office

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