Monday, April 18, 2011

I Tithe Because I Have An Awesome God!

This month I have no excuse.
I tithed.

This is not my first time tithing though. Last time, I tithed only whenever I feel like it wandering if God's gona bless me back and all. Full of fears saying ," ahhh I tithed 10% of my salary already waaah thats quite a lot. " then come the next few months which gave me lots of excuses not to tithe again. 
It wasn't consistent. Maybe because I haven't had a full revelation of it yet.

Now, I'm back. And I feel God is leading me to it.
This time I tithe with a different level of truth.

I tithe because I've decided to make God as my partner in my finances. 

Also, I do it as an appreciation because He has been so good to me in all areas of my life. 
Like my health. I know He has kept me well because since I accepted Jesus as my healer, I have never been down with a flu, fever or cough. Not even runny nose could last a minute in me. Thats a wow for me!

Plus He has blessed me with my relationships. Granted alot of favours, protected me and you know, just kept on blessing me. Thank you Lord!

I'm amazed....The list could go on forever if I'm gona do it here. :)


Let's just say now, I tithe based on God's truth. And this time around, I wana make it as a commitment to Him. My reasons today might be abit shaky but I believe He's gona show me how and why this has to happen in my life. Part of my destiny is to TITHE.

I believe,  with few more months of tithing, before I knew it, I'm gona be up and so into it full of love and joy simply because I'm overflowing with His love for me. 

It shall come. Yes. it shall come.

I won't tithe based on my emotions and own thinking anymore because I know the devil will have the opportunity in holding me back. So beware!

I'm quite excited. The moment shall come that I will tithe because I wana bless an awesome God! (of course God doesn't need my money. It's peanuts for Him. He just loves it when we acknowledge Him more than our hard-earned money . It's telling Him , He is our God!)

Ok now, just sit back and relax. Someday we will all know. So please I urge you to bookmark this thread. I feel exciting things are about to happen. Really! Not just to me but to you who's been following and patiently reading this blog.

To continue...

I will tithe...

....because that's my future.

I will be a Giver. Not a lender.

A "Blesser" not a receiver.

Like some old adage goes,
"It's better to give than to receive!"


Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

Malachi 3:10


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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