Tuesday, April 19, 2011


While governor of Arkansas the Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee commuted the 108-year sentence of convicted felon Maurice Clemmons. In November 2010, Clemmons shot to death four police officers in Seattle. Photograph: Tony Gutierrez/AP

Besides having commuted the 108 year sentence of Murice Clemmons.

Just like Willie Horton was the Achilles heel for then Governor Michael Dukakis let out of prison and went on to commit a horrible crime; Horton was on a weekend furlough. While furloughed, Horton left Massachusetts and went to Maryland where he brutally attacked an innocent young couple in their home. Rape and torture went on 12 hours until Cliff Barnes, who was stabbed 22 times, managed to escape and called police. Horton was captured, went back to prison and two more lives were forever changed.

Now, 23 years later, former Governor Mike Huckabee finds himself in a similar situation, only worse. While governor of Arkansas, 11 years ago, Huckabee commuted the 108-year prison sentence of Maurice Clemmons. Clemmons then went on a crime spree and ended up in Seattle, Washington, where on 19 November 2010, he casually walked into a coffee shop early one morning and shot and killed four police officers while they were eating breakfast. He fired at point blank range, killing all four instantly.

The other reason, in my opinion a lot more compelling and logical is that the man hasn’t sufficient intelligence to occupy the most important job in our land and arguably the world. Why do I say this? I say this because in my book anyone who believes the crap about CREATIONISM and rejects a more logical and substantiated explanation like EVOLUTION just does not have in him the mental and intellectual capacity for the office of President of the United States.

SOURCE: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/apr/12/mikehuckabee-maurice-clemmons

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